Top ten writers
The top ten writers and his language, considering all the most important cultures, in my opinion, are:
1. Shakespeare, English
2. Cervantes, Spanish
3. Confucius, Chinese
4. Tolstoy, Russian
5. Moliere, French
6. Goethe, German
7. Dante, Italian
8. Tagore, Bengali, Indian World
9. Mahfouz, Arabic Egyptian and African representant
10. Coelho, Brazilian Portuguese
PD. There is not a perfect list, but you can add people to the list.
<<10. Coelho, Brazilian Portuguese >>
You discredited your list at this point. If you're gonna have Coelho in there you may as well replace Shakespeare with Dan Brown.
If you have to cite a writer in Portuguese, you'd better choose Camoens.
OK, you are right.
It is perhaps not in the top ten by quality, but it is the representant of the Americas and at the same time a (Brazilian) Portuguese speaker.
Try to make a PC list and at the same time with all the most important languages and all the Continents.
"If you're gonna have Coelho in there you may as well replace Shakespeare with Dan Brown"
You don't have to be PC, 12345, just civil
you should replace Coelho with Camoes or at least Pessoa.
Coelho is simply ridiculous! Even Molière is not that great compared to Proust, Zola, Stendhal, Hugo or Balzac
this is all relative.
I think Shakespeare writings are the worst.
Molière stands below Racine; Racine below Montaigne.
I like Coelho, he made Brazilian language famous.
Of course, her works are translated into Portuguese in Portugal because Portuguese people hate reading in ''brasileiro''.
Jerome Salinger
Julio Cortázar
Hermann Hesse
Gabriel García Márquez
W.Somerset Maugham
Herbjørg Wassmo
Cees Nooteboom
Eyvind Johnson
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Albert Camus
12345: "3. Confucius, Chinese"
This must be a joke. Confucius never wrote anything. This is like saying Jesus wrote the Bible. If you want to add Confucius, you might as well add Jesus and Buddha to your list.
« You discredited your list at this point. If you're gonna have Coelho in there you may as well replace Shakespeare with Dan Brown. »
Excellent ! Sans virer Molière, on pourrait ajouter Céline — pas Dion mais plutôt le sulfureux Louis-F. Ou Hugo, Yourcenar, au pif...
hh : « Molière stands below Racine; Racine below Montaigne. »
C'est une vérité — chronologiquement parlant. M'enfin, ça fait six noms (je compte pas Céline Dion, sauf objection bien sûr) au lieu d'un, c'est pas si mal pour un début.
If you want to make a PC list and include a Brazilian writer, you should include Machado de Assis. He might be little known outside Brazil, but he is universally acredited in Brazil, and his later books, like "Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas", are great.