Hello everybody. I read a message that English is the preferred language in German speaking and French speaking parts of Switzerland over German and French respectively.
Now I really cannot understand the Anglophiles who became die hards of the English language or let's say American culture that they project English as an "all powerful" language that it has trampled other languages in even in their turfs.
I just want to educate the people in this forum that that is not the usual case. False information result in ignorance.
I myself has been deceived by the same false information until I discovered this site made by a Swiss who is the only rightful person to give reliable and accurate information because nobody knows a country most except its citizens.
Let me quote a paragraph from a website made by a Swiss that negates the false information.
"In German and Italian-speaking Switzerland, people speak approximately another 2.2 languages, mainly French and English. French speakers are less likely to make use of foreign languages (1.7).
The most frequently cited foreign languages in the study are French and German. English fails to come out in top position in any of the country's linguistic regions.
In German-speaking Switzerland, French is the preferred option (71 per cent) ahead of English (67 per cent). In the French part of the country, High German and German dialect are also preferred to English (47 versus 43 per cent) while Italian speakers put German and French well in front."
Now I really cannot understand the Anglophiles who became die hards of the English language or let's say American culture that they project English as an "all powerful" language that it has trampled other languages in even in their turfs.
I just want to educate the people in this forum that that is not the usual case. False information result in ignorance.
I myself has been deceived by the same false information until I discovered this site made by a Swiss who is the only rightful person to give reliable and accurate information because nobody knows a country most except its citizens.
Let me quote a paragraph from a website made by a Swiss that negates the false information.
"In German and Italian-speaking Switzerland, people speak approximately another 2.2 languages, mainly French and English. French speakers are less likely to make use of foreign languages (1.7).
The most frequently cited foreign languages in the study are French and German. English fails to come out in top position in any of the country's linguistic regions.
In German-speaking Switzerland, French is the preferred option (71 per cent) ahead of English (67 per cent). In the French part of the country, High German and German dialect are also preferred to English (47 versus 43 per cent) while Italian speakers put German and French well in front."