Please provide your answers here. You CAN'T choose your own country.
What is your favourite Spanish-speaking country and why
Eu particularmente gosto do Chile, por ser um País muito organizado e belo, com clima singular. O México também é adorável e possui muita história e um povo muito parecido com o brasileiro!
Pinochet era un gran hombre, pero no tan grande como el dictador de Argentina Leopoldo Galtieri. Me gustan los dictadores, pero los dictadores que van a la guerra son aún más respetables.
I'd have to say Colombia, because my biggest Spanish-speaking penpal is from there (Bogota to be exact), but also because I find the country and people very interesting. Spain would have to be my second favorite--I find Spanish history, with it's mix of cultures and religious groups (Christians, Muslims and Jews) fascinating.
All Spanish speaking countries are disgusting according to the above messages. Anyway, Chile, the southern area of Argentina, some regions in VEnezuela are pretty nice. I am not particularly interested in Mexico although it's got gorgeous beaches and lovely historical ruins. As for Spain, I'd say that when the Southern part of the country (Andalucia and others regions) was under the domination of the Moors, Spain was one of the most influential places in the Mediterranean area, culturally and politically. Thanks to the Moors Cordova or Granada can today boast fabulous historical buildings . Even Barcelona or Valencia are pretty cities, but they do not possess the typical Spanish flavour.
Cuba -- the government there, Fidel Castro in particular, is leading the way forward, as we start our journey into the 21st century.
One of the most impressiev feats is keeping light pollution under tight control (same as North Korea)
One of the most impressiev feats is keeping light pollution under tight control (same as North Korea)
Guest, your marijuanas and cocaines, your animals, your video tapes of Instituto Cerveza meetings and your psychiatrist are not in this forum
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
"Even Barcelona or Valencia are pretty cities, but they do not possess the typical Spanish flavour. "
Thanks a lot. I'm happy to read this.
Thanks a lot. I'm happy to read this.