linguistic borders don't change much
when we see this map os germanic speaking areas around year 960, it is interesting to see that this germanic-romance border hasn't move that much (but much more when concerning germanic-slavic linguistic border)
the line corssing Belgium is almost the same as nowadays as the Flemish/french speaking border. Then the border goes south to include Moselle (still traditionally frankish speaking despite being in France) and northern Alsace. In Switzerland the border seems also to be very close to limit between french/Italian/romanch counties and german speaking ones.
what do you think?
Not too much in Europe, but a lot in all the World.
Arabic, an Asiatic language is spoken in North Africa, Russian in Asia, English in North America and Australasia, Spanish in North, Central and South America, etc
In Spain at least linguistic borders changed a lot. In 960 80% of Spain was Arabic speaking and nowadays it is 0%. The Latin-Germanic linguistic border corresponds to the limit of the Roman Empire, that's the reason why it didn't change practically. If it wasn't for the Roman limes I think that the Germanic languages would expand more to include northern France and possibly Northern Italy too.
"the line corssing Belgium is almost the same as nowadays as the Flemish/french speaking border."
Not true.Flemish ( or Dutch)-Walloon (or French) language border was far to the south from contemporary language border: Flemish settlements Waterloo,Merdorp,Dongelberg,Estampuis-Steenput,Steenkerque-Steenkerke,Estaimbourg-Steenburg,Helecine-Opheylissem,Beauvechain-Bevekom,Havelange-Havelingen, Xhendremael-Schendermaal now are in Northern Wallony.
>>(but much more when concerning germanic-slavic linguistic border) <<
>>(but much more when concerning germanic-slavic linguistic border
This must not have been written by Xie. He is never concise. His messages are always a sort of verbose essays....