Is Arabic difficult to learn?
Is Arabic difficult to learn?
العربية لغة جميلة لها تاريخ طويل وإنها لغة القرآن الكريم وتحمل الحضارة العربية الإسلامية الباهرة فمرحبا بكل الذين يحبونها وحضارتها ترحيبا حارا
Well, it is very difficult.
A year ago, I started to study Modern Standard Arabic. We started 25. At this moment we are 8.
The alphabet is very different, the words and the grammar too. The phonetic is not very difficult (there are only two gutural sounds really Arabic, and difficult for other people).
Anyway, if you are good at languages and you have a great interest to study MSA, it is a wonderful language and you understand better a culture of 1.5 billion people around the World.
A year ago, I started to study Modern Standard Arabic. We started 25. At this moment we are 8.
The alphabet is very different, the words and the grammar too. The phonetic is not very difficult (there are only two gutural sounds really Arabic, and difficult for other people).
Anyway, if you are good at languages and you have a great interest to study MSA, it is a wonderful language and you understand better a culture of 1.5 billion people around the World.
European Could you please tell me your native language? I'd love to learn Arabic too. Thanks
It's not difficult. There is an blog article about it's difficulty at ArabicPod's blog
In my opinion if Arabic had Latin alphabet (it's a quite suitable language for it) and MSA was more widespread among the population then it would be a damn good language to learn, possible more than French. But nowadays Arabic is a sort of macrolanguage and its role is considerably undermined by European languages in some Arabic countries like Morocco so I don't think Arabic is a worthy language to learn in general.
That message in Arabic must be an invitation to Islam.
I'm not Muslim. What does Islam offer over other religions? In the USA, we have freedom of religion or we can choose to have no religion.
I read about an elderly Muslim lady in the Middle East who was a widow. She asked her nephew (by marriage, I believe) to bring her some bread and she got in trouble when he and his friend brought it to her. This was an old lady-possibly in her 70s. I don't think she was up to something evil.
I don't think any reasonable Buddhist, Christian, or Jewish person or Atheist would find what she did to be morally wrong-asking a nephew to bring her bread.
Maybe some of you know that a Muslim Psych doc allegedly killed several people in Texas. Did he do it in the name of religion? Some are indicating that this is the case.
If he were a Christian instead, perhaps he would have been censured for talking about his religion (like the alleged Killer did concerning his own religion), but I doubt that he would have killed people for possible religious reasons.
I'm not Muslim. What does Islam offer over other religions? In the USA, we have freedom of religion or we can choose to have no religion.
I read about an elderly Muslim lady in the Middle East who was a widow. She asked her nephew (by marriage, I believe) to bring her some bread and she got in trouble when he and his friend brought it to her. This was an old lady-possibly in her 70s. I don't think she was up to something evil.
I don't think any reasonable Buddhist, Christian, or Jewish person or Atheist would find what she did to be morally wrong-asking a nephew to bring her bread.
Maybe some of you know that a Muslim Psych doc allegedly killed several people in Texas. Did he do it in the name of religion? Some are indicating that this is the case.
If he were a Christian instead, perhaps he would have been censured for talking about his religion (like the alleged Killer did concerning his own religion), but I doubt that he would have killed people for possible religious reasons.
<<What does Islam offer over other religions? >>
Islam is still a vigorous religion, like Christianity used to be several hundred years ago.
Christianity used to be strong, back in the days of the Inquisition, witch trials, the crusades, burning at the stake, and other tortures carried out in the name of God. Nowadays, its gone all politically correct and wimpy. Can you even imagine the curent Pope authorizing beheading, stoning to death, dismemberment, burning alive, etc.
Contrast this with Islam, where Religious judges sentence rape victims to be stoned to death, and where gays are offered a choice of 4 punishments: bisection by sword, dismemberment, and two others that I don't recall (perhaps burning alive, and stoning to death?).
True believers of Islam are 100% convinced in their beliefs, and their religion provides all the answers to every moral question that might arise in daily life. It's sometimes amazing how dedicated certain Muslims are -- I recall one Palestinian mother who wanted to have lots of kids, so they could grow up and be suicide bombers, carrying out God's highest calling. How many Christians or Jews that you know are that dedicated?
Islam is still a vigorous religion, like Christianity used to be several hundred years ago.
Christianity used to be strong, back in the days of the Inquisition, witch trials, the crusades, burning at the stake, and other tortures carried out in the name of God. Nowadays, its gone all politically correct and wimpy. Can you even imagine the curent Pope authorizing beheading, stoning to death, dismemberment, burning alive, etc.
Contrast this with Islam, where Religious judges sentence rape victims to be stoned to death, and where gays are offered a choice of 4 punishments: bisection by sword, dismemberment, and two others that I don't recall (perhaps burning alive, and stoning to death?).
True believers of Islam are 100% convinced in their beliefs, and their religion provides all the answers to every moral question that might arise in daily life. It's sometimes amazing how dedicated certain Muslims are -- I recall one Palestinian mother who wanted to have lots of kids, so they could grow up and be suicide bombers, carrying out God's highest calling. How many Christians or Jews that you know are that dedicated?
correction: (like the alleged Killer was-concerning his own religion)
"back in the days of the Inquisition"- irksome infidel
Well, I wouldn't call them the good ol' days.
I sometimes hear people talk about the Inquisition (and no, not the song from the movie by Mel Brooks) as if it were still happening today. Christians in the early church didn't do that kind of torture, and they don't do it now.
There were a lot of dark and stupid days in between, apparently.
"How many Christians or Jews that you know are that dedicated?"
Christians and Jews don't raise their kids to be suicide bombers.
I don't think all Muslims do either.
I don't know what happened to that old lady. I think some groups were pleading leniency on her behalf. I get the impression that a muslim woman without a son or a male protector is in a terrible predicament.
Who will help her?
"back in the days of the Inquisition"- irksome infidel
Well, I wouldn't call them the good ol' days.
I sometimes hear people talk about the Inquisition (and no, not the song from the movie by Mel Brooks) as if it were still happening today. Christians in the early church didn't do that kind of torture, and they don't do it now.
There were a lot of dark and stupid days in between, apparently.
"How many Christians or Jews that you know are that dedicated?"
Christians and Jews don't raise their kids to be suicide bombers.
I don't think all Muslims do either.
I don't know what happened to that old lady. I think some groups were pleading leniency on her behalf. I get the impression that a muslim woman without a son or a male protector is in a terrible predicament.
Who will help her?
I find Arbic writing an insurmuntably daunting task!
It seems such a patch of crawling insects!
It seems such a patch of crawling insects!
Islam is the religion that is still in the Stone Age.
On the outside, there's terror, but on the inside they're unorganized cowards . That's why small and efficient Israel won every battle.
On the outside, there's terror, but on the inside they're unorganized cowards . That's why small and efficient Israel won every battle.
I have another point of view.
A religion must be an Inquisition or the religion will disappear.
For instance, the religion was very strong in Europe when the Inquisition times. From Darwin till nowadays the religion is weakening everyday and at this moment almost 90% of people in European Union don't care about religion.
So, or religion is strong like now in Arabic World or if they make some little changes, the religion can disappear. The moderate religious know that.
A religion must be an Inquisition or the religion will disappear.
For instance, the religion was very strong in Europe when the Inquisition times. From Darwin till nowadays the religion is weakening everyday and at this moment almost 90% of people in European Union don't care about religion.
So, or religion is strong like now in Arabic World or if they make some little changes, the religion can disappear. The moderate religious know that.
Arabic is a fabulous language and I'd like to learn it! I am really fed up with all these childish clichés...Antimoon is a sort of nursery school or what??? You are as racist and biased as some extremist muslims.. Shame on you stupid kids!