The 3 most studied foreign languages worldwide
<<also, french and english are the two working language of the UN for a reason.>>
No. The official and working languages of the United Nations are English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese.
English and French are working languages at the Secretariat (a Department of the UNO), but it doesn't matter, because there all people use English.
<<the most studied languages in the world are english and french.>>
No, English and Spanish. Do you know how many people study Spanish in USA, Brazil or the same France?
Several MILLIONS. Only considering these 3 countries, Spanish is clearly second. Imagine, considering all the countries.
Brazil is the penultimate country that speaks Spanish in Americas(in order of most speaking spanish country) in percentage.
only guadalupe learn less spanish.
And france+ brasil does not exceed 5,5%
The data are not updated.
In Brazil, where Spanish is compulsory at schools, there are some 12 million people studying this language.
In USA, there are 7.8 million people studying Spanish (US census, updated data).
In France there are 2.6 million that study Spanish as foreign language.
So, I repeat it. Only considering these 3 countries, Spanish is probably the most studied language Worldwide.
<< In Brazil, where Spanish is compulsory at schools, there are some 12 million people studying this language. >>
This is one of those paper-only laws. It's a mercosul thing that is very recent and only exist on paper. Even if there really were Spanish classes in school, that wouldn't mean anything. English is compulsory at schools and has been for decades, is far more useful than Spanish, and it's by far a lot easier to find materials in English (songs, movies, books, internet) than Spanish, and yet nobody speaks English here.
Most Brazilians understand Spanish with ease, even a person who cannot write his name in Portuguese can understand spoken Spanish.
Brazilian pronunciation of Spanish is easy to understand. Brazilian pronunciation of English is not, it is terrible: é dinheiro jogado fora, coitadas das professoras de ingrays.
<< Most Brazilians understand Spanish with ease, even a person who cannot write his name in Portuguese can understand spoken Spanish. >>
This is complete nonsense. I'm out of this crazy hispanic board.
Good bye. We will not miss you.
Well in spain there are hundreds of thousends of souls learning french right now. French is a valuable language nobody can deny it.
But why french people don't accept spanish is the most important language in all americas? Most of studients choose spanish in usa and brazil as foreign language. May be canada will be the next.
By the way. it is true about understanding spanish spoken and it's easier for brazilian than a spanish speaker because their more complex phonetics. Frenchies sooner or later you will have to face the true.
French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. IN CHINA HAS ALSO BECOME THE SECOND MOST DEMANDED FOREIGN LANGUAGE. French is considered to be the language of diplomacy and culture due to its glorious past and its rich culture. France is the world's major tourist destination (75 million tourists a year). France is the most visited destination in the world. Paris is considered one of the "global cities".
What French song in China can you hear?
People here hear "Rain"(Korean) or something Japanese songs!
What anime can you watch in China so often ?
Some Japanese animes such as Detective Conan(or Case Closed) are often watched in China.
Don't be stupid , you francophone-fanatics for making wrong message to the board viewers!
Uma notícia boa e uma ruim para os fãs de Thalia. Na sexta, eu tive a oportunidade de entrevistar a diva e falar sobre seu disco novo, carreira, família e claro, sobre o boato de que seria rainha de bateria da Viradouro. Animadíssima, Thalia me revelou que viria ao Brasil, mas que ainda faltava acertar os trâmites da viagem. Eu fiquei mega feliz e até dei uma notinha no Direto do México, que você confere esta quarta nas bancas.
Porééém… quando a edição já estava fechada, veio o balde de água fria: entrei em contato com a Viradouro e a escola de samba carioca confirmou: não poderá arcar com as exigências que Thalia fez (que envolvia um jatinho para buscá-la nos EUA) e cancelou a vinda da musa mexicana para o carnaval. Uma pena!!!
Well in France there are few hundreds of thousands of souls learning Spanish right now. Spanish is a slightly important language nobody can deny it.
But why Hispanic people don't accept French is the most important language in all Africa? Most of students worldwide choose French as the 2nd foreign language after English. Just like in all Hispanic America, French is the 2nd foreign language.
By the way. It is true that in Brazil, English and French are the 2 most widely spoken language and far more popular than Spanish. Hispanies sooner or later you will have to face the truth that Spanish will never be as important as English, French, Russian, or Arabic. Chinese is the real contender of Spanish becasue they belong to the same level.
<< Wrong!
French is very much ahead of JAPANESE AND RUSSIAN IN CHINA AS THE 2nd most sought after language.