Criteria for a language to be important internationally

Ni Hao   Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:20 am GMT
Le chinois est une langue importante aussi, mais après l'anglais, français, russe, arabe, espagnol, allemand, italien et japonais.
Russian Guest   Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:02 am GMT
Well, Visitor is trying to include French in the top languages internationally, using different nicks and inventing some rules to include French.

But the reality is another one. The Russian Government has 3 channels in different languages about Russian news. It is a 24 hours news channel in English, Spanish and Arabic, the real World languages REALLY spoken in over 20 countries.

The channel in Spanish is thinking in the population living in Madrid, Buenos Aires, Miami, Mexico City, Los Angeles and New York.

We'll see very soon if the population of the European Union, Latin America and United States watch our channel, says the director of the Russian Channel, Victoria Vorontsova

The responsible for the channel, Victoria Vorontsova says that Spanish is really the second most important World language.

English, Spanish and Arabic are the real World languages. You can add Chinese and Hindi-Urdu if you want that half of the World see your channels.

Finally, Russian and Malay-Indonesian are also very important regional languages.
Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:37 am GMT
Well, Guest is trying to include Spanish in the top languages internationally, using different nicks and inventing some rules to include Spanish.

But the reality is another one. Russia has 3 compulsory foreign languages. They are padt of the curricula and they are English, German and French, the real World languages REALLY studied and taught in over 100 countries.

The curriculum in French is hring teachers from France, Montreal, Brussels, Geneva, New Orleans and New York.

The responsible for the curriculum, Andrei FURSENKO says that French is really the second most important World language.

English, French and Spanish are the real World languages. You can add Russian and Italian if you want that half of the World access your knowledges.

Finally, Dutch-Afrikaans and Swahili are also very important regional languages than Spanish.
Criterion   Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:26 pm GMT
Working Languages of UN: English and French
Working EU languages: English, French, and German

So English and French are the 2 most important languages worldwide.
Enough of you 2!   Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:30 pm GMT
Russian as the leading language in space - Interview with Anatoly Perminov, head of the Federal Space Agency

Anatoly Perminov, head of the Federal Space Agency, is sure that space exploration could pave the way for many activities, including those of a humanitarian nature. He told magazine about the way it could be.

– In what way do you think the FSA and Russkiy Mir Foundation could cooperate?

– The FSA’s international activities of might very well help promote Russian culture abroad. We have established links with practically all developed countries. State technologies might pave the way for any activities, including those in the humanitarian area.

For example, in early 2007 the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Space Agency organized an exhibition in Paris devoted to the year of the Russian Language. The program included a documentary filmed by our studio called “Space Speaks Russian.” The film is about the way astronauts learn Russian at Zvyozdny Gorodok (Star City). It is vital for foreigners to learn Russian, since all equipment in Russian spaceships has symbols and instructions in Russian. On top of that, Russian remains an irrevocable and important link between the entire crew of the International Space Station.

We should keep in mind that the Russian language was the first means of communication in the space. If we turn to the history, Yuri Gagarin’s flight triggered unexpectedly strong interest in Russia and launch of the first artificial satellite “Sputnik” gave rise to a new term, which became more widespread than the international “satellite” term. The word “sputnik” was included in international dictionaries almost simultaneously with the sputnik’s arrival at the point of orbital injection. Bars of Western Europe even started to serve Sputnik cocktails and a Sputnik hairstyle became all the rage. Some parents even named their babies Sputnik.

I think we could open a Russian Center at Baikonur with support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. However, Baikonur has strong significance not only for Russia and Kazakhstan. It is also an international space center that thousands of foreigners visit annually.

We can even think about the launch of the Russian Center in Houston (U.S.), but for this we need confirmation of all involved parties.

We can develop joint education and training programs. Here we should rely on assistance of the Ministry of Science and Education. Space is a fertile ground for education, not only for adults, but also for children. Last year, on the eve of Astronautics Day we conducted a live open lesson from the space. Pupils – winners of school competitions – asked the ISS crew various questions. The internationally-available Russian news channel Vesti broadcasted a 30-minute live program.

The FSA also organizes exhibitions and competitions for children. Some time ago, some young biology enthusiasts took part in Photon space laboratory’s experiments. They helped send butterflies and silkmoths to space. Such projects help change children’s thought patterns. The world is very fragile and you stop doubting this, when observe it from the space.

We are capable of producing a range of educational TV and radio programs jointly with the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

– We were proud of Soviet space technology. The first satellite in the world, the first human being in the space. What can we be proud of today?

– Maybe this is gross exaggeration, but this year is critical for the Russian space industry. The government has adopted space policy for the Russian Federation to 2020. The space industry faces new challenges and priorities.

In the first place, the deployed groupings of aerospace facilities should provide a need for results of aerospace operations for the economy, the social sphere, science and the security of Russia.

An important goal is to have guaranteed and independent access to space from the entire territory of the country.

We will henceforth actively developed manned space exploration and implement major aerospace projects with more efficient use of near-Earth space and in-depth study of the celestial bodies of our solar system. To do this we need to develop innovative launch platforms and human-rated transport systems.

We are re-tooling the federal target program GLONASS and the federal space program and increasing their resources. We are getting read to launch six GLONASS space vehicles, a Meteor-1 and other satellites.

Construction of the Vostochny spaceport in the Amur region has been approved. In 42 months, we must complete the design and survey work and start construction in 2011. Already by 2015, we should be able to launch our first space vehicle or cargo ship to the International Space Station. The first manned flight to be launched from the site is planned for 2018.

We are successfully implementing a joint project with the European Space Agency called Soyuz at the Guiana Space Center. The spaceport in French Guiana could also be platform for cooperation between the FSA and Russkiy Mir. But this does not mean that we’re leaving Baikonur. These are new opportunities.

We are actively working on the Arktika project, the framework of which includes Russian spacecraft monitoring the entire Arctic and primarily its shelf for mineral prospects – oil and gas. The lack of reliable and consistent information from the Earth’s polar ice caps is also a major problem for hydrometeorology. Finland, Norway and other countries have already given their support to our project. There are other plans as well.

– How does one become a cosmonaut these days?

– At the dawn of the space age, cosmonauts were selected only from among the best military pilots. For example, Yuri Gagarin was a pilot in the navy, which harnesses two elements – sea and sky. Later, the first division of civilian cosmonauts and onboard engineers was formed.

Now, practically anyone can fly to space. The main thing is to set this goal for yourself. For this you need higher education and good health. The professions could be myriad: from biologist to geologist to future explorer of the Moon or Mars.

Incidentally, we should think about opening a Russian-language center in the Cosmonaut Training Center in the Moscow Region.

There is another, more direct way into space – becoming a space tourist. In spring of this year, American Richard Garriot is to become the sixth space tourist to be launched into orbit. Richard couldn’t become a professional astronaut due to impaired vision, but he could pay the $20 million fee. Hopefully, his wish will be fulfilled at the end of this year.

I think that in the near future, other countries will develop space tourism and it will become more affordable. There are already suborbital flights, but this is more of a form of entertainment. Cosmonautics is a serious endeavor. We will still have to explore the solar system and our galaxy.
Fence Sitter!   Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:35 pm GMT
It's so stupid if those who are involve in the US space industry like the astronauts would choose French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, or Japanese to study.

Russian is the logical and right choice when it comes to this. All American astronauts are required to be fluent in it.
!!!!   Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:43 pm GMT
Yes, even the French, Chinese, German, Hispanics, Brazilians, Canadians astronauts etc. study Russian for obvious reason.
Russian Guest   Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:06 pm GMT
Working Languages of THE SECRETARIAT of UN: English and French. Everybody use English in the Secretariat.

The official and working languages of United Nations are English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Russian and Chinese.

Working EU languages in the COMISSARIAT: English, French, and German. Everybody use English in the Comissariat.

The official and working languages of the European Union are ALL of them.

Visitor, you only know to copy and paste, but you can't invent webpages.

Well, perhaps you prefer to read that:

Rusia comienza a emitir un informativo 24 horas en español

Rusia ha comenzado a emitir en español en el canal de noticias de 24 horas RT, que ofrece información general, deportiva, reportajes, documentales y entrevistas sobre la actualidad rusa e internacional.

RT, que se puede ver en directo por internet (, ofrece informativos en horario de máxima audiencia en Madrid, Buenos Aires, México, Miami, Nueva York y Los Ángeles.

"Estamos orientados a España, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Con frecuencia nos preguntan que por qué en español y la respuesta es sencilla. El español es el SEGUNDO idioma del mundo, tras el inglés", dijo
Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:02 pm GMT
Working Languages of THE SECRETARIAT of UN: English and French. Everybody use French(even Hispanics thenmselves because they're akward with English) and English in the Secretariat.

The official and working languages of United Nations are Arabic, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish are just official languages of UN not working languages.

Working EU languages in the COMISSARIAT: English, French, and German. Everybody use French(even Hispanics thenmselves because they're akward with English) and English in the Comissariat.

The official and working languages of the European Union are ALL of them.

Guest, you only know how to paste, but you using webpages invented by Hispanics.

Well, perhaps you prefer to read that:

Les écoles à enseignement renforcé du français

Les 100 écoles à "enseignement renforcé du français " , réparties sur tout le territoire de Russie offrent une formation francophone de grande qualité.
Recrutement :
Leur recrutement se fait sur concours dès l'âge de 6-7 ans ... Le recrutement n'est donc pas local mais bien choisi par les parents.
Spécificités pédagogiques :
Ces écoles offrent des horaires renforcés, un enseignement en petits groupes, des programmes exigeants quoique souvent classiques dispensés par des professeurs bien formés, et un environnement francophile stimulant qui propose des activités parascolaires en français.
Les bacheliers alimentent les départements de langues des Universités, y compris les plus prestigieuses, mais également les cursus franco-russes .

Qu’est-ce qu’une section bilingue et qu’y fait-on ?

Au sein des « sections bilingues », l’enseignement est dispensé aux élèves en deux langues : principalement dans la langue du pays, et aussi, pour partie, en français.
Il ne s’agit donc pas seulement d’un enseignement du français, mais aussi d’un enseignement en français, le français étant langue véhiculaire pour l’apprentissage d’une ou plusieurs disciplines non linguistiques (DNL).
Les élèves de ces sections étudient, dans bon nombre de pays, aussi une troisième, voire une quatrième langue vivante.

Quelles sont les matières enseignées en français dans ces sections ?

Selon les pays et selon les établissements, les sections proposent une ou plusieurs disciplines en français dans le cadre du cursus bilingue francophone (physique, chimie, histoire, géographie, mathématiques, biologie ou encore économie, musique, etc.).
Les objectifs, les programmes et contenus sont définis par les autorités éducatives locales, et les professeurs sont nationaux, avec parfois la présence, dans certains établissements, d’un lecteur de langue maternelle française.
En Europe, ces dispositifs existent à plusieurs niveaux, au primaire et au secondaire. Dans plusieurs pays, les sections bilingues francophones se développent également dans l’enseignement professionnel (en Bulgarie, par exemple).

Que deviennent- les élèves ayant suivi un tel enseignement ?

Ces sections bilingues ou européennes francophones constituent des viviers d’excellents francophones et constituent une voie privilégiée pour accéder aux études universitaires, localement dans les filières francophones supérieures, comme par exemple les cursus intégrés en Russie, ou en France.
On compte aujourd’hui en Europe plus de 400 sections bilingues, scolarisant près de 60 000 élèves. Ces élèves deviennent des ingénieurs, des gestionnaires, des financiers, des médecins spécialisés francophones et cette maîtrise d’une langue étrangère est un atout essentiel dans la vie professionnelle des citoyens d’aujourd’hui.
Il faut noter l’excellence de ces élèves qui, aux côtés d’un enseignement classique du programme, aborde des notions nouvelles avec une méthodologie très active, les rendant très vite autonomes dans la construction de leur apprentissage.

Existe-t-il, en Russie, un terrain propice à la création de telles sections ?

Oui, ce sont les écoles à enseignement renforcé du français. Elles sont environ une centaine sur tout le territoire, elles sont dynamiques et volontaires et veulent faire, du français une langue outil, utile dans la vie professionnelle de leurs élèves. Il existe dans ces écoles des professeurs de français et des professeurs de disciplines ayant une assez grande maîtrise du français pour enseigner leur discipline en français, avec ou sans l’aide de leurs collègues francophones. Depuis de nombreuses années, la création d’écoles bilingues en Russie est une priorité de notre Ambassade. Nous pourrons, dès septembre prochain, nous réjouir de l’ouverture de plusieurs sections bilingues en Russie grâce à la création de « plateformes expérimentales » et de l’expérience partagée avec la section bilingue du lycée 171 de Saint Pétersbourg et du lycée Nikitine de Voronej.

Dans quels domaines l’Ambassade de France apporte-t-elle son soutien ?

L’Ambassade apportera son soutien en attribuant une documentation aux écoles ayant ouvert une section bilingue. Elle soutiendra également la formation continue des enseignants en offrant des stages de formation continue en France et en Russie pour les enseignants des sections bilingues, ce qui se fait déjà très régulièrement au sein des EERF. Des stages en France seront réservés aux jeunes issus de ces sections bilingues et sélectionnés sur concours.
Enfin, l’Ambassade de France remettra à chaque lauréat du Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires issu d’une section bilingue et ayant satisfait aux épreuves d’évaluation finale, un certificat attestant de son niveau en français et le dispensant du test nécessaire à une première inscription dans une université française (équivalent du DELF B2).

Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:04 pm GMT
Guest, the reason why the Russian government decides to broadcast in Spanish and Arabic is to gain money but in reality it's only aimed at Spanish speaking viewers. The Russian speakers themselves don't even bother to learn a single Spanish word not even "Hasta la vista, LOCA!"

Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:15 pm GMT
Школы с углублённым изучением французского языка

Около 100 школ «с углублённым изучением французского языка», расположенных на всей территории России, предлагают франкоязычное обучение высокого качества.

Набор учащихся:
Набор производится на конкурсной основе среди детей 6-7-летнего возраста (психометрические тесты, способности к изучению языков). Выбор школы осуществляется родителями, и чаще всего он не связан с местом проживания в городе.
Педагогическая специфика:
В этих школах введено более плотное расписание, практикуется обучение в маленьких группах, предлагаются более сложные учебные программы (которые часто бывают классическими), составленные специально подготовленными учителями, а также проводится призванная заинтересовать учащихся внешкольная деятельность на французском языке.
Выпускники этих школ поступают на языковые факультеты различных вузов, в том числе, самых престижных, а также продолжают свое обучение во франко-российских учебных заведениях.

NB : В настоящий момент существует только два «французских двуязычных отделения» : школа N°171 в Санкт-Петербурге и гимназия им.Никитина в Воронеже.

Что такое двуязычное отделение?

В двуязычных отделениях обучение проводится на двух языках: главным образом, на родном языке, а также, частично, на французском языке.
Речь не идет об изучении французского языка как отдельной дисциплины или об обучении на французском языке, в данном случае, французский язык является языком-посредником для изучения одной или нескольких неязыковых дисциплин (DNL).
Во многих странах мира учащиеся этих отделений изучают также третий, а иногда и четвертый иностранный язык.

Обучение каким дисциплинам ведется на французском языке?

В зависимости от страны и учебных заведений, эти отделения предлагают одну или несколько дисциплин на французском языке, входящих в учебную программу двуязычного франкофонного отделения (физика, химия, история, география, математика, биология, а иногда и экономика, музыка и др).
Цели, структура и содержание учебных программ определяются местными комитетами по образованию. Учителя, работающие в этих отделениях, - носители родного языка, иногда в некоторых школах также преподают лекторы-носители французского языка.
В Европе такие структурные подразделения существуют на различных уровнях - как в начальной, так и средней школе. Во многих странах двуязычные франкофонные отделения существуют также в профессиональных колледжах (например, в Болгарии).

Кем станут учащиеся, прошедшие это обучение?

Эти двуязычные франкофонные отделения готовят профессионалов высокого уровня, великолепно владеющих французским языком, и дают своим выпускникам гарантированную возможность продолжить обучение в вузах, в частности, в различных франкофонных филиалах, таким, как, например, включенные франко-российские программы.
На сегодняшний день в Европе насчитывается более 400 двуязычных отделений, в которых обучаются около 60 000 учащихся. Эти учащиеся станут франкоговорящими инженерами, управленцами, финансистами, врачами. Такое владение иностранным языком является важным преимуществом в профессиональной жизни сегодняшних граждан.
Необходимо также отметить высокий уровень подготовки этих учащихся, которые наряду с изучением классических учебных программ, благодаря очень активной методики получают новые знания, что делает их более независимыми в построении их обучения.

Существует ли в России подходящие площадки для создания подобных отделений?

Да, такой площадкой являются школы с углублённым изучением французского языка. В России их насчитывается около ста, они очень активны и доброжелательны и хотят, чтобы французский язык был полезен для профессиональной жизни учащихся. В этих школах работают хорошо подготовленные учителя, которых не пугают перспективы начать новое дело, учителя французского языка и учителя других дисциплин, хорошо владеющие французским языком, что позволяет им преподавать свой предмет на французском языке, с помощью или без их франкоговорящих коллег. В течение многих лет создание двуязычных школ в России было одним из приоритетов Посольства Франции. Начиная с сентября следующего года мы сможем открывать по всей территории России многочисленные двуязычные отделения, что станет возможным благодаря «экспериментальным платформам», а также многолетнему опыту двуязычных отделений лицея №171 Санкт-Петербурга и гимназии им.Никитина Воронежа.

Какую помощь может оказать Посольство Франции?

В помощь школам, открывшим двуязычные отделения, Посольство Франции высылает различные подборки учебно-методической литературы. Посольство также поддерживает программы повышение квалификации учителей и ежегодно будет выделять стипендии для прохождения стажировок во Франции и в России, предназначенных для учителей двуязычных отделений. Стажировками во Франции смогут также воспользоваться учащиеся этих двуязычных отделений, выигравшие в организуемых Посольством конкурсах.
И наконец, каждому выпускнику двуязычного отделения, с успехом сдавший выпускные экзамены, Посольство Франции вручит Диплом об окончании средней школы и сертификат, удостоверяющий его уровень владения французским языком, тем самым освободив его от прохождения теста, необходимого для первичной записи во французский университет (эквивалент диплому DELF B2).

Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:26 pm GMT
English may have more speakers of the language as an acquired tongue but French goes for quality because they not only teach the language as a foreign or an acquired tongue but something like a French immersion program that the medium of instruction is French wherein students enjoy so much while learning. Something that will never experience when they study English or Spanish which they find boring.

Yes, they learn English because they are forced by the situation or because of US not UK or Commonwealth but those who learn French do it not just for practical reasons but also they like it and by heart.
Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:33 pm GMT
The French in schools strengthened teaching of French

The 100 schools with "strengthened the teaching of French" spread throughout the Russian offer training Francophone high quality.
Their recruitment is by competitive examination at the age of 6-7 years ... Recruitment is not local but rather chosen by parents.
Specific Teaching:
These schools offer enhanced schedules, teaching in small groups, though often demanding programs offered by conventional well-trained teachers and a stimulating environment Francophile offers extracurricular activities in French.
Graduates feed language departments of universities, including the most prestigious, but also the Franco-Russian course.

What is a bilingual section and what do we do?

Within the "sections bilingual" education is taught to students in two languages: mainly in the vernacular, and also partly in French.
It is therefore not only a teaching of French, but also instruction in French, French being the lingua franca for the learning of one or more non-language subjects (DNL).
Students in these sections are studying in many countries as a third or fourth foreign language.

What are the subjects taught in French in those sections?

By country and by institution, sections offer one or more subjects in French in the Francophone bilingual education (physics, chemistry, history, geography, mathematics, biology or economics, music, etc..).
The objectives, programs and content are defined by local education authorities and teachers are national, sometimes with the presence in some schools, a reader whose mother tongue is French.
In Europe, these devices are tested at different levels in primary and secondary. In several countries, speaking bilingual sections are also being developed in vocational education (in Bulgaria, for example).

What becomes of students who completed an education?

These sections bilingual French and European nurseries are excellent French and are a privileged way to access the university, local channels in French higher, such as the integrated curriculum in Russia or France.
There are today in Europe more than 400 bilingual sections, enrolled nearly 60 000 students. These students become engineers, managers, financiers, doctors specialized French and mastery of a foreign language is a vital asset in the working lives today.
It should be noted the excellence of these students, along with a formal education program, addressing new concepts with a methodology very active, making them very quickly in the autonomous construction of their learning.

Are there, in Russia, a breeding ground for the creation of such sections?

Yes, these are the schools teaching French strengthened. They are about a hundred on the entire territory, they are dynamic and volunteers and want to do, the French language tool, useful in the life of their students. There are in these schools of French teachers and professors at disciplines with a considerable knowledge of French to teach their subject in French, with or without the help of their French colleagues. For many years the creation of bilingual schools in Russia is a priority of our Embassy. We may, from next September, we celebrate the opening of several bilingual sections in Russia through the creation of "experimental platforms" and the shared experience with the Section 171 bilingual high school in St. Petersburg and Voronezh school Nikitin .

In what areas the Embassy of France brings she support?

The Embassy will provide support by assigning a material to schools that have opened a bilingual branch. It will also support the training of teachers by offering training courses in France and Russia for teachers in bilingual sections, which is already very regularly within EERF. Internships in France will be reserved for young people from these sections and selected on bilingual assistance.
Finally, the Embassy of France will give each winner High school leaving certificate from a bilingual section and successfully tested in the final evaluation, a certificate attesting to his level in French and providing the necessary test first entry in a French university (equivalent DELF
Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:36 pm GMT
The French in schools strengthened teaching of French

The 100 schools with "strengthened the teaching of French" spread throughout the Russian offer training Francophone high quality.
Their recruitment is by competitive examination at the age of 6-7 years ... Recruitment is not local but rather chosen by parents.
Specific Teaching:
These schools offer enhanced schedules, teaching in small groups, though often demanding programs offered by conventional well-trained teachers and a stimulating environment Francophile offers extracurricular activities in French.
Graduates feed language departments of universities, including the most prestigious, but also the Franco-Russian course.

What is a bilingual section and what do we do?

Within the "sections bilingual" education is taught to students in two languages: mainly in the vernacular, and also partly in French.
It is therefore not only a teaching of French, but also instruction in French, French being the lingua franca for the learning of one or more non-language subjects (DNL).
Students in these sections are studying in many countries as a third or fourth foreign language.

What are the subjects taught in French in those sections?

By country and by institution, sections offer one or more subjects in French in the Francophone bilingual education (physics, chemistry, history, geography, mathematics, biology or economics, music, etc..).
The objectives, programs and content are defined by local education authorities and teachers are national, sometimes with the presence in some schools, a reader whose mother tongue is French.
In Europe, these devices are tested at different levels in primary and secondary. In several countries, speaking bilingual sections are also being developed in vocational education (in Bulgaria, for example).

What becomes of students who completed an education?

These sections bilingual French and European nurseries are excellent French and are a privileged way to access the university, local channels in French higher, such as the integrated curriculum in Russia or France.
There are today in Europe more than 400 bilingual sections, enrolled nearly 60 000 students. These students become engineers, managers, financiers, doctors specialized French and mastery of a foreign language is a vital asset in the working lives today.
It should be noted the excellence of these students, along with a formal education program, addressing new concepts with a methodology very active, making them very quickly in the autonomous construction of their learning.

Are there, in Russia, a breeding ground for the creation of such sections?

Yes, these are the schools teaching French strengthened. They are about a hundred on the entire territory, they are dynamic and volunteers and want to do, the French language tool, useful in the life of their students. There are in these schools of French teachers and professors at disciplines with a considerable knowledge of French to teach their subject in French, with or without the help of their French colleagues. For many years the creation of bilingual schools in Russia is a priority of our Embassy. We may, from next September, we celebrate the opening of several bilingual sections in Russia through the creation of "experimental platforms" and the shared experience with the Section 171 bilingual high school in St. Petersburg and Voronezh school Nikitin .

In what areas the Embassy of France brings she support?

The Embassy will provide support by assigning a material to schools that have opened a bilingual branch. It will also support the training of teachers by offering training courses in France and Russia for teachers in bilingual sections, which is already very regularly within EERF. Internships in France will be reserved for young people from these sections and selected on bilingual assistance.
Finally, the Embassy of France will give each winner High school leaving certificate from a bilingual section and successfully tested in the final evaluation, a certificate attesting to his level in French and providing the necessary test first entry in a French university (equivalent DELF

Russian Visitor   Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:44 pm GMT
Hey Guest, Does the decision of Russian Gov't. to broadcast in Spanish, will make your language widely studied in Russia? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


I dare, to post a similar website for Spanish language program schools in to teach it in Russia as the medium of instruction made by Russians with just Russian and Spanish version.

Well, to tell you honestly, not even English has this kind of program. Yes, they teach English in secondary schools. Yes, it's the number 1 foreign language in Russia. But it's not used as the medium of instruction for science, match, etc. English teaching is used as medium of instruction in English classes only. Unlike in this program that French is the medium of instructions in a number of subjects.