Top Words of the year 2009 in yr language!

Shuimo   Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:41 pm GMT
Now the year 2009 is bidding goodbye to us all!
Has it been a rewarding and memorable one for all our antimooners?

Looking back, could you tell us what words are most IN in your language?

Here Shuimo would give you the media's list of top words/phrases in the Chinese-speaking world!

  1.躲猫猫 Hide-and-seek games
  2.家电下乡 Household electrical appliances into rural areas
  3.甲流  H1N1 flu
4.新医改 New medi-care reform
  5.开胸验肺 Dissecting the chest for lung examination

  6.“7·5”事件 July 5 Riot of Uyghurs

  7.通钢事件 Tong Steel Protest
  8.重庆打黑 Crackdown on the underground world in Chongqing City
 9.血铅事件 Lead-tainted blood accident
  10.后危机时代 Post-crisis times

  11.新农保 New rural social security system
12.足球打黑 Soccer crime crackdwon

  13.新中国60年 PRC's 60th anniversary

  14.低碳经济 Low carbon economy

  15.“地王”现象 Real-estate king phenomenon