Real Deal   Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:47 pm GMT
She is a german song performer/singer/songster whatever you call it nevertheless in her song "Heaven and hell" I clearly hear she sings - he make you run blah blah.
Why it is not he makes you run? Is the same story as it she dont love me etc stuff ? IS it kewl way?

PS C C CATCH would own that Britney Spears. I bet USA is so isolated that many didnt even hear a thing about her.
C C CATCH rules.
UnitedStatesian   Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:59 am GMT
You're right -- I've never heard of CC CATCH. The name reminds me of C Crane & Co., though.
Real Deal   Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:59 am GMT
You name reminds me of UnitedStatancient.

You dont get lots of stuff in uthe united states. I might list the good musician but tired.