owhay idespreadway isay Igpay Atinlay?

Eisenhower   Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:18 am GMT
Owhay oftenay oday ativenay Englishay eakerspay eakspay Igpay Atinlay? Isay itay idelyway enoughay ownknay otay ebay ableay otay ommunicateay inay itay ithway anyoneay romfay anyay outnrycay erewhay eythey eakspay Englishay?

Oray isay itay onlyay useday in ertaincay outriescay?
Drew   Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:40 am GMT
American, west coast. I read that with not too much difficulty (but forget about typing it out). I don't think I've used pig latin since I was in junior high school. Most adults would be able to catch on, I think, and they'd probably laugh with you about it it one of those "Ihay aven'thay usedhay igpay atinlay inhay earshay."

Also note that my dialect of pig latin calls for "Hay" rather than "Ay" after words that start with vowels. I didn't even realize that until I typed it out, heh.
St. Louisan   Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:30 pm GMT
So there are different dialects of pig Latin? How funny.