Why do the Dutch dislike their language so much?
Dutch singers never seem to use their language, I have tried to find Dutch bands and singers who use Dutch and I managed to find about one, and as I recall only a minority of their work was in Dutch.
On several forums, I've also heard Dutch people speak negatively of their language, and refer to it as being hideous, ugly and harsh when the reality is there are plenty of languages that sound no better than Dutch and have plenty of singers that use the language, for example, Danish, Polish, Mandarin, etc. Just about any language has more singers using it than Dutch, even very small languages like Finnish.
Why do the Dutch have such an inferiority complex when it comes to their language? Is it because they're a bunch of spineless lefties who are brought up and taught in school to disregard their own culture and language and fawn over foreigners?
>>Is it because they're a bunch of spineless lefties<<
Prehaps slightly off topic, but Edsilia Rombley and Marco Borsato aren't Ethnic Dutch, or not fully anyway. I've seen this in other countries like Sweden to, where a sizable amount of the people who use the native language in songs are actually ethnic minorities. It's amazing how minority groups have more respect for the language than the natives.
I have noticed it aswell. Dutch people aren't very proud of their language, they tend to promote English more than Dutch. If you go to Amsterdam Airport, you will find information signs written in English in BIG BOLD letters with Dutch underneath in small letters. And this the capital of the Netherlands. A country that had an empire in the 17th century that streched over whole world.
When speaking Dutch aswell they tend to borrow alot of English words instead of using perfectly fine Dutch words, or inventing new words.
I thought the Flemish were francophiles, not anglophiles.
<<Is it because they're a bunch of spineless lefties who are brought up and taught in school to disregard their own culture and language and fawn over foreigners? >>
Yes. That is exactly it.
It's because the Dutch have been lied to by liberals for so many years that they have become a brainwashed nation. It's become a spineless country that can't stand up for it's OWN PEOPLE because they would rather be political correct than put their own people first. Typical example of what happens to country when it's liberal for too long. The Dutch language get's replaced with English and celebrating Dutch culture get's frowned upon. It's like looking at a country killing itself from the inside out.
It's because the Dutch speakers (like the Swiss and Luxemburgers) have been wimps standing up for themselves towards Francophone Imperialism in Flanders etc, and the only way for Dutch to thwart the French onslaught is to take shelter within English for a breather.
Look how may generations of Flemish folk have become Frenchified house honkeys in Belgium. Look how many towns and neighbourhoods have become degenerate Francophone ghettos too, not just Brussels. All over, from Komines ghetto enclave to the whole of South Brabant etc, don't forget from the Somme to Dunkirk too. Weakness.
Belgium might be 60% Dutch speaking and 40% French(ish) speaking, but when u think of how many so-called French speakers are actually of self-hating Flemish/German speaking roots and how many French speakers are in fact hoards of foreign and EU diplomats, then Belgium is actually more like 80% Flemmish roots and 20% genuine French-like ethnic Walloon/Picard,Francophone or whatever the lazy French speaking tossers call themselves.
This is why the French Imperialists use the term Francophone in Belgium, so that all the colonized upper class Flemish and Germans can be included to make the percentage of Frenchness in Belgium seem bigger. Same with 90% of foreign nationals in Belgium too. At the very least, half of so-called Francohone/French speaking Belgium is not ethnically nor historically French/Walloon/Romance.
Folk would be shocked at the difference in numbers, if Belgium was broken down Flemish v Walloon rather than Dutch speaking v French speaking.
Slavs have done it on the Eastern front. While Francophonism has done so much historically harm to the Germanic world on the Western front. Out of all the Romance nations, France has done the most harm to the Germanic lands, from 1066 onwards. Often they get house-Germanics to do their swarthy Latinate dirty work.
<<Is it because they're a bunch of spineless lefties who are brought up and taught in school to disregard their own culture and language and fawn over foreigners? >>
This is a myth. Thye are very proud of their culture. It's just that foreigners do not know much about the REAL Netherlands apart from what's on the guide books of touristy Amsterdam.
They have so many songs in their language and there are many Dutch who do not speak English.
Are they lefties? Maybe hippies (LOL). Many Dutch are very right wing people and some have a peculiar kind of arrogant fascist mindset, but they are very pragmatic and functional.
Being functional and rational has always been is a true feature of the Dutch. English is useful for business, so they use it.
Inside Holland, one must speak Dutch.
"It's because the Dutch speakers (like the Swiss and Luxemburgers) have been wimps standing up for themselves towards Francophone Imperialism in Flanders etc, and the only way for Dutch to thwart the French onslaught is to take shelter within English for a breather. "
- Hé, sac à merde, pourquoi emploies-tu une langue de tapettes qui est mondialement symbole de fainéantise, de lâcheté et de négritude ?
English should replace Dutch. All other languages are inferior to English and should die.
Get rid of English and all problems will be solved.