Is it possible to converse with people in Morocco using MSA who haven't formally studied it? I understand that Maghrebi Arabic, and in particular Moroccan Arabic is very different from MSA, with Maghrebi Arabic having a lot of foreign loan words and gramatically being much more simplified. I've even heard the situation of the spoken language paralelled to learning High German and then trying to speak with Dutch.
Ignoring being able to understand the news, newspapers, blah blah blah, are you wasting your time learning MSA if you want to be actually able to converse with Moroccans?
If not, considering there are pretty much no materials for Moroccan Arabic, would Egyptian Arabic be more suited to the purpose of conversation?
Ignoring being able to understand the news, newspapers, blah blah blah, are you wasting your time learning MSA if you want to be actually able to converse with Moroccans?
If not, considering there are pretty much no materials for Moroccan Arabic, would Egyptian Arabic be more suited to the purpose of conversation?