How to pronounce the phrase "missed the"?

Trang   Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:45 pm GMT
say, "I missed the train". then, a cluster of 3 consonants: s, t, th. Is any consonant eliminated?
John   Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:56 pm GMT
I - missed - the - train.

4 syllables and don't leave anything out
St. Louisan   Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:44 pm GMT
The d is eliminated in normal speech, making the sentence sound like "I miss the train." I would only pronounce the d if I were emphasizing the past tense or clarifying meaning.
Cunning Linguist   Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:03 pm GMT
I would say that the "d" in "missed" is pronounced as an unreleased "t" rather than omitted completely. It sounds slightly different from "I miss the train" in that the former has a barely audible stop where the unreleased "t" is that isn't present in the latter.

Also, "the", rather than an interdental voiced "th" sound, comes out closer to a "d" sound, but against the teeth instead of the alveolar ridge.