Political correctness is self-defeating!

FUCKPC   Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:28 pm GMT
Supposedly the original purpose of PC is to "empower" backward foreigners into becoming as weathy and prosperous as Europeans - in most cases at the expense of the natives.

However, the whole concept to me seems quite frankly contradictory to its aim, and does nothing to genuinely empower or increase the self-sufficiency of third worlders, it simply makes things worse for both Europeans and for the third worlders.

If you keep telling a group of people how wonderful they are, never critisize them on their flaws, always give them half your lunch, constantly compliment them regardless of what they do, the result will not be a group of intelligent, self-sufficient people, the result will be a bunch of bloody scroungers. And this in my eyes is what PC does.

Also, in these peoples native country, this mentality prevails that you can go to first world countries, and ride their wave of prosperity without creating one of your own - it's all laid on for you. This stunts development in these countries as all they're fixated on is going to PC first world countries.

Also, while most PC minded idiots are too simplistic to see this, in getting as many third wordlers as you can into your country, you're taking workers out of theirs, which perpetuates third worldness.

If the European countries were to be benevolent and kind, it would be much better for us not to allow third worlders in, in mass, but to take a step back from them, even insult them so it generates the will power to work to better themselves. We should be giving them advise in THEIR countries on how they can improve themselves, not just bringing them to Europe to dote on them.

Think I'm a racist? You're exactly the sort wanker that is perpetuating third world poverty. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Franco   Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:18 pm GMT
Political correctness is a Jewish and Germanic creation.
HH   Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:06 pm GMT
Has anybody ever thought of the idea that some races are not mentally capable of living a first world lifestyles because of genetics restrictions.

Maybe some races were just design to hunt, go fetch water from rivers and collect fruits. Maybe their genetic makup is so developed to be more physically capable of hunting/ running away from predators/ collecting fruits and that they didn't developed to actually plan ahead but rather be more physical to survive. For example Europeans have been living in colder conditions so therefore over thousands and thousands of years the brain power had to develop faster as to plan ahead for different seasons other wise they would die out. Whereas other races near the equator didn't had to plan for seasons because the weather stays the same near the equator but would rather needed to be physical to hunt/ run away from predators and collect food.

Maybe some races were just not design to live a western lifestyles, maybe some races should be left to go and hunt and collect fruit from the forest rather than we expecting everyone in the world to live like first world democracies?

Maybe the world needs to wake up and just accept that not everyone in this world will be capable of achieving a first world lifestyles because it was never meant for them to live that sort of lifestyle. Genetically we have developed differently over thousands and thousands of years (evolution), so how can one system (Western lifestyle) work for everyone in the world.

A good study case would be to look how the Aboriginals in Australia live compared to the rest of the white settlers in Australia.
Eddie G   Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:34 pm GMT
<Has anybody ever thought of the idea that some races are not mentally capable of living a first world lifestyles because of genetics restrictions.>

Yes, it is a common idea among those who have no understanding of genetics and even less of grammar.
Penetra   Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:35 am GMT
Maybe some races (the OP's, for instance) weren't meant to use grammar and logic in a meaningful way.
Fuck liberals   Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:08 am GMT

Are you German?