And as far as importing the guttural R from French, perhaps. BP is more guttural than European. European Portuguese loves the trill.
two distinct grammars
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shut up chica go back to mexico
I am not from Mexico, but from Chile, the most prosperous country of South America, Brazil looks poor compared to my mighty country.
I am not from Mexico, but from Chile, the most prosperous country of South America, Brazil looks poor compared to my mighty country.
Stop lying, you are from Mexico...actually, its all fucking the same. You speak the same garbage language with a bunch of fat ugly indians
Oh, and stop with your horseshit saying that Chile is a mighty country. São Paulo alone has the economy of your entire spic land
Chile has 17 millions of people. Obviously Brazil's economic output is bigger because it has 200 millions but that does not mean it is richer. It is just more populated , much more in comparison to Chile.But quality of life is better in Chile:
Chile's HDI: 0.878
Brazil's HDI: 0. 813
Chile's HDI: 0.878
Brazil's HDI: 0. 813
OMG THATS LIKE SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!! WOW AMAZING!!!!!! had to be a stupid spic to be so proud of such mediocrity. Brazil is bigger, it will always be so get over it!!!!!!
Nud...Yea I cannot hear the difference between the french R and Brazilian Portuguese R...but I will keep your word for it...I am not a linguist :)
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