Hispanic Americans might as well just speak Portuguese
Hispanic Americans speak a version of Spanish which is very unlike the Portuguese spoke in Castilia in both vocabulary and pronounciation. If you hear an example of Hispanic American Spanish, in its innotation and even vocabulary it sounds very Potuguese-y.
hispanic Americans can't really understand or pronounce real Spanish from Spain so have been moving closer and closer to a very Portugalized version of Spanish which in my opinion may as well be a dialect of Portuguese.
Hispanic Americans give in, you do not speak Spanish and you do not even like Castilia or Andalusia, so stop kidding yourselves and just make the final push and start speaking Portuguese.
You need your medication prontoooooo!
Anyone noticed how the battle has gone from French vs Spanish to Portuguese vs Spanish? Why's that? I know it's the same people , but still, did you get sick of French or what?
Question: Anyone noticed how the battle has gone from French vs Spanish to Portuguese vs Spanish? Why's that? I know it's the same people , but still, did you get sick of Spanish or what?
Answer: Brazilians might as well just speak Spanish...
The Brazilians complain about Spanish yet they passed the law to make Spanish a compulsory subject in schools. Maybe they are masochist...
In my opinion the situation of Brazilians goes like this :They don't know well what they speak. Is it Portuguese, is it half Spanish half Portuguese? If Brazilian is Portuguese why do Portuguese soap operas are subtitled for the Brazilian market? They have big identity crisis. Some people in Brazil propose speaking European Portuguese ,which is very different than spoken Brazilian Portuguese. Some others propose gradually switching to Spanish and increase ties with surrounding Spanish speaking countries.
lol you are an idiot Colette.
Stop it Colette other wise known as Guest/Invitado/Adolfo/JGreco/Penetra/A more unique name/Red Echelon. Everybody knows that your Hispanic.
Somnething's spinning inside your head all the time.
Meu apelo a todos os brasileiros que queiram postar suas sandices: façam-no em português e poupem-nos de seu inglês atroz.
Brazilians can't speak proper Portuguese either.
I think reality is not portuguese nor spanish.
Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay already have a good percentage of people speaking other language than Spanish, but there are still a big number of countries to keep the Spanish the most spoken language in America. Nevertheless they have to be vigilant, there are some languages looking for new speakers out there.
Portuguese is and will always be the poor cousin of Spanish.
LOL Cousins? No, thank you.
Call the French that, not us, after all your king is French isn't he?! We're not relatives thank god.
No, we're not your poor cousins, we're the ones who led you to America (Columbus); we're the ones who led you around the world when you couldn't even go through the Cape of Good Hope or the Strait of Magellan (Ferdinand Magellan). And yet you were trying to find a way to conquer our land all the time either it was by yourselves, with Napoleon or with Franco.
Fix this, it is because of us that now 330 million people speak Spanish, you just should be eternally grateful to my great country, nothing else.
That is why i will never respect Spain, i mean Castile, yes Castile because Spain doesn't exist.