The future of Spanish in the Southwestern U.S.

danny in russia   Sun May 02, 2010 12:11 pm GMT
Do you think Spanish will become the dominant language in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico?
Jose en Nuevo Mexico   Sun May 02, 2010 7:27 pm GMT
Yes. In Nuevo Mexico it IS.

In California, Arizona and Texas will be dominant in the near future. There are several reports about that.
Don Chicho   Sun May 02, 2010 8:26 pm GMT
They already are (becoming) dominant. In New Mexico Spanish is already an official language of the state. California has large communities of Hispanics. Many of the populous cities of the southwest are old Mexican cities/towns. No wonder such racist laws apropos immigration in Arizona and soon Texas are being implemented to deter the Mexicans en masse. They anglos/whites feel threaten.
Franco   Sun May 02, 2010 8:34 pm GMT
How come Arizona wants to control immigration?. Isn't this competence
of Federal Government exclusively? This is an interesting and not very mentioned aspect of the immigration law in Arizona. I think that this would lead to frictions between Southern States and Washington pretty much like when these same states wanted to keep slavery in 1860 .
Don Chicho   Sun May 02, 2010 9:00 pm GMT
Arizona has been hit hardest by cheap labor and the drug cartels - why demonized all immigrants? Arizona (and other states) citizens want to control immigration due to the influx of Mexican immigrants to their state(s), but little do they know that some companies/corporations would rather hire those illegals then citizens of the U.S. The Republicans would rather give them this pass instead of these companies/corporations going abroad to 3rd world countries - that's Capitalism for you. So...the scapegoat for are the illegals propagandized by citzens being misinformed by the very institutions that are screwing them over. The Federal Government has not done anything due to special interest/lobbyists from these corporations maintaining the status quo, that is to say "cheap labor".

This immigration matter can as well become like the slavery issue of the 1860s or the civil rights issue of the 1960s.

p.s. Even before this law, Arizona requires you in random checkpoints in every city or so to present a driver license to a peace officer....
Don Chicho   Sun May 02, 2010 9:05 pm GMT

So...the scapegoat are the illegals to citizens being propagandized by corporations of those states - obviously misinformed by the very institutions that screwing them over.
danny in russia   Sun May 02, 2010 10:50 pm GMT
This whole illegal alien issue seems rather clear to me. They break U.S. law the moment they cross the border unauthorized or overstay their visas. They are criminals. Why can't Arizona police enforce the law and go after the criminals? Why are they allowed to bitch about their non-existent 'rights', which they don't have as non-citizens, and not arrested and sent back to their mother country which they obviously love so much?
Oh by the way, Mexico has much tougher laws against illegal immigration than the U.S.; in fact, non-citizens there are prohibited by LAW to engage in political activity.
So what would happen to these people if they tried something like that as illegal aliens in Mexico? That's right, mass deportation within 24 hours.
Franco   Sun May 02, 2010 10:57 pm GMT
Russians can't speak about illegal immigration because many Russians migrate to Western European countries to commit crimes.
Paul   Sun May 02, 2010 11:23 pm GMT
<<Do you think Spanish will become the dominant language in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico?>>

NEVER....not even in the most "hispanic" areas of the united states will this ever happen. Like all immigrant languages, Spanish is going through generational decay.

<<In New Mexico Spanish is already an official language of the state.>>

Myth. No it isn't.
BB   Sun May 02, 2010 11:50 pm GMT
Do white Americans know that they were immigrants too? Probably the biggest land grab in history happend in America. So why complain when latinos are doing it?
Mallorquí   Mon May 03, 2010 12:03 am GMT
Paul   Mon May 03, 2010 12:21 am GMT
<<Do white Americans know that they were immigrants too? ...So why complain when latinos are doing it? >>

Yes. They know very well that their ancestors were immigrants. Which is why they don't see the logic in giving new hispanics special treatment. Hispanics seem to think they are somehow different, or more important than every immigrant group to come before them.

Did German become a "dominant" language in the U.S? (there are more people of German ethnicity in the U.S than hispanic) Did Italian? No, and neither will Spanish, nor should it be.
Franco   Mon May 03, 2010 12:22 am GMT
You can't compare German and other lesser languages to Spanish. Also Spanish was spoken in parts of US like New Mexico before the English speakers arrived and infested that territory.
Paul   Mon May 03, 2010 12:28 am GMT
<<Also Spanish was spoken in parts of US like New Mexico before the English speakers arrived and infested that territory. >>

Following Franco's backwards logic:

You know Spanish isn't the original language of Spain and doesn't belong there. The original people in Spain spoke Celtic languages, long before the Romans came and infested that territory with their vulgar latin.
Jose en Nuevo Mexico   Mon May 03, 2010 2:18 am GMT
I am really Guest alias Adolfo/Invitado/Colette/JGreco/Penetra/Red Echelon/Usuario/A more original name, etc. the Hispanic Hallucinator.

I love to savor my own PEANUT BUTTER because it's the best one I've ever tasted.

Here's how I do it!