The PC crowd are some of the most racist people

Matematik   Thu May 13, 2010 2:35 pm GMT
The very people who view themselves as the opposite of racism, lovers of multi-culturalism, etc, are actually some of the most racist people out there and most certainly not supporters of equality.

Political correctness on a sub-concious level is the assurtion that non-whites are too stupid to actually stand up for themselves and make something of themselves. They need a white hand on their shoulder to tell them they're intelligent, they need white people to speak up for them, they need white people to arrange high up positions in companies for them because they'd never make it there themselves.

If society was truly non-racist, then non-whites would not be given any privilages and would be on exactly the same level as whites. Ironically, the PC crowd are very racist people.
Matematik   Thu May 13, 2010 2:38 pm GMT
To add, if I was a non-white living in PC Europe I would feel very patronised and protected, but prehaps non-whites actually like being patronised in this way? Or prehaps the bulk of them are so stupid they don't actually realise it?
Franco   Thu May 13, 2010 2:52 pm GMT
Dude, you are like a broken disc. Can't you talk about something that is not political correctness or which country has more spines?
Fairykarma   Thu May 13, 2010 2:54 pm GMT
Who cares? PC has helped me get into the best colleges in this country (US). I could care less if white people are racist on the inside. Better than them being openly racist in which case I would be utterly screwed. There are benefits to being a minority and there are disadvantages. I'll take all the benefits I can get. It's better for white people to think you're stupid and help you out. That way when you end up getting the highest scores, you'll see them wipe that smug smile off their faces. But by then it's too late and they realize you were a clever bugger all along.

In any case, you should more concerned that there are more women in school now than males.
Matematik   Thu May 13, 2010 5:06 pm GMT
<<Better than them being openly racist in which case I would be utterly screwed>>

You jumped into typical ethnic minority defense mode and completely missed my point.
You're Screwed   Thu May 13, 2010 5:08 pm GMT
Get over it, Math, PC is the way of the future and you're going to have to deal with it. Have a nice life.
la paranoia   Thu May 13, 2010 5:14 pm GMT
<< If society was truly non-racist, then non-whites would not be given any privilages and would be on exactly the same level as whites. >>

Problem is that in order to be on the same level they MUST be given privileges, because for example, the children of those privileged families are enjoying the sort of inherited (and undeserved) privileges that a child of a poor family can only dream of.
Therefore your argument is totally faulty at the very base, although you may have a faint point.
Kyle from Kayaderosseras   Thu May 13, 2010 9:17 pm GMT
<<Get over it, Math, PC is the way of the future and you're going to have to deal with it>>

Isn't PC a fairly recent trend? Over the thousands of years of history, people have been pretty racist, bigotted, agressive, zenophobic, etc. most of the time.

I suspect the PC fad will fizzle out before too long -- perhaps right after the Western economy collapses due to excessive debt, and people start worrying more about their own survival rather than feeing guilty about their success and being fair to minorities and foreigners.
crunch   Fri May 14, 2010 1:42 am GMT
<<Problem is that in order to be on the same level they MUST be given privileges, because for example, the children of those privileged families are enjoying the sort of inherited (and undeserved) privileges that a child of a poor family can only dream of.
Therefore your argument is totally faulty at the very base, although you may have a faint point. >>

What is this stuff about "deserving"? Life is not fair, it's a toss of the dice.

How do you know it's not the other way around, anyway? Maybe rich people deserve to be rich and poor people deserve to be poor?

Anyway, this "deserving" stuff is going to get more and more extreme. I foresee the following measures if PC goes unchecked:

1) Death is unfair. Each race must have equal death statistics. If whites are "undeservedly" living longer than other races, they will start culling them to "level the playing field".
2) Being ugly is unfair. The government will consider it a human right to be "beautiful" and will be obliged to supply free plastic surgery to all "undeservedly" ugly people.
3) Not having a choice as to one's gender is unfair. The government will consider it a human right to be of one's gender of choice. They will be obliged to offer free sex changes for all people "undeservedly" born of the wrong gender.
Franco   Fri May 14, 2010 3:21 am GMT
I believe that if rich people are rich it is due to the fact that they have been chosen by God. They are blessed by Him.
Franco   Fri May 14, 2010 3:29 am GMT
...which is why I have sex with Arab men.