Some Latin comparison....
Tu eres un ladron? son ladrones? (spanish)
tu sei un ladro? loro sono ladri? (italian)
latrone est tu? latrones sunt? (latin)
tu es latrone? sunt latrones? (spanishized)
somos de espana (spanish)
siamo di spagna (italian)
hispania sumus (latin)
sumus hispania (spanishized)
ellos sois de aqui (spanish)
quelli siete di qui (italian)
qui estis de illos (latin)
illos estis de qui (spanishized)
Esta crepusculo alla.... (spanish)
Questa crepuscolo la (italian)
crepusculum illic est. (latin)
est crepusculum illic. (spanishized)
One true fact:
Evolution compared to Latin
According to the results of the study of Mario Pei in 1949, which compares the evolution degree of the languages with respect of their inheritance language (in the case of Romance languages the Latin language), here are the evolution degrees:
Sardinian: 8%;
Italian: 12%;
Spanish: 20%;
Romanian: 23.5%;
Occitan: 25%;
Portuguese: 31%;
French: 44%.
there you have it.
>>>French: 44%<<<
Latino :
«Sardinian: 8%;
Italian: 12%;
Spanish: 20%;
Romanian: 23.5%;
Occitan: 25%;
Portuguese: 31%;
French: 44%. »
Ces chiffres sont une tarte à la crème : ils reviennent périodiquement et illustrent parfaitement •••••••••L'IGNORANCE••••••••• de ceux qui les emploient sans savoir ce qu'ils signifient.
Voici le texte •••••••••INTÉGRAL••••••••• :
« L'on peut donner ici les résultats d'une étude menée par M. Pei en 1949, qui a comparé le degré d'évolution de diverses langues par rapport à leur langue-mère ; pour les langues romanes les plus importantes, SI L'ON NE CONSIDÈRE •••••••••QUE LES VOYELLE TONIQUES•••••••••, l'on obtient, par rapport au latin, les coefficients d'évolution suivants :
sarde : 8 % ;
italien : 12 % ;
castillan : 20 % ;
roumain : 23,5 % ;
occitan : 25 % ;
portugais : 31 % ;
français : 44 %.
L'on voit ainsi facilement le degré variable de conservatisme des langues romanes, la plus proche du latin phonétiquement (EN NE CONSIDÉRANT •••••••••QUE LES VOYELLES TONIQUES•••••••••) étant le sarde, la plus éloignée le français. »
certaines personnes semblent penser qu'une langue se résume à ses voyelles toniques !!...
Sardinian: 8%; (phonology/inflection/syntax/discourse/intonation etc. of latin)
Italian: 12%; (similar to that of sardinian/spanish's intonation/vocabulary.)
Spanish: 20%; (similar to that of latin/sardinian/italian and it's own influences.)
Romanian: 23.5%; (understood by mostly italians and little by spaniards, although it's syntax is somewhat similar to that of spanish.)
Occitan: 25%;
Portuguese: 31%; (understood, with french nasal influences; making it difficult at times. hence, spanish resemblance.)
French: 44%. (only read can it be understood) for other native latin speakers.
What more is there to be said.
another example:
Help (english)
Auxilium (latin)
Aiuto (italian)
Auxilio/ayuda/socorro (spanish)
Tuo lingua est (latin)
Il tuo lingua e (italian)
Tu lengua es (spanish)
your tongue/language is (english)
Quando venimos ad italiam, nos fuimos ad domus directamentum. (Latin)
Quando veniamo all'Italia, siamo andati a casa direttamente (Italian)
When we came from italy, we went home directly.(english)
Cuando venimos a italia, nos fuimos a casa directamente.(spanish)
Non obstane, tenent quid faceri bene. (Latin) OR
Non obstante, faceri bene quid tenent.
comunque, hanno che farlo bene. (Italian)
Nevertheless, they have to do it well. (English)
No obstante, tienen que hacerlo bien. (spanish) old sp. facer (used in some regions)
Quando venimus ad italiam, nos fuimos ad domus directamentum. (Latin)
Quando veniamo all'Italia, siamo andati a casa direttamente (Italian)
When we came from italy, we went home directly.(english)
Cuando venimos a italia, nos fuimos a casa directamente.(spanish)
<<Quando veniamo all'Italia, siamo andati a casa direttamente (Italian) >>
Quando siamo venuti dall'Italia, siamo andati a casa direttamente.
This sounds more natural to me:
Quando siamo ritornati dall'Italia, siamo andati a casa direttamente.
The dall' part is if you really meant "from" because all' means "to". I would think that would be the case in your Spanish translation as well.
I also expect Spanish (and perhaps the Latin) needs to be in the past tense at the beginning of that sentence.
Todos sabemos da tal regra que condena a colocação de pronomes átonos em início de frase e do quão obsoleta ela é. Pois vejam essa. Aniversário de uma amiga. Fui dar o presente (um par de brincos) e fiz o seguinte comentário: "Disse-me a mulher que eles são de prata, mas só com o tempo é que a gente vai saber." A amiga, de olho arregalado: "O quê? A tua mulher? Você tem mulher?"
Ela entendeu "disse a minha mulher"... Quase que minha reputação hetero se perdeu numa ênclise... rs
Latino :
« Sardinian: 8%; (phonology/inflection/syntax/discourse/intonation etc. of latin)
Italian: 12%; (similar to that of sardinian/spanish's intonation/vocabulary.)
Spanish: 20%; (similar to that of latin/sardinian/italian and it's own influences.)
Romanian: 23.5%; (understood by mostly italians and little by spaniards, although it's syntax is somewhat similar to that of spanish.)
Occitan: 25%;
Portuguese: 31%; (understood, with french nasal influences; making it difficult at times. hence, spanish resemblance.)
French: 44%. (only read can it be understood) for other native latin speakers. »
C'est un tissu de vagues approximations et de contre-vérités effarantes.
Hi all, Latino, writing those things you wrote , I can now understand the sum of you ignorance. First italian translation are totally wrong
1)quelli son di qui
2) Là è il crepuscolo, IDIOT, la isn't article, you translated wrong also latin.
The other examples are incorrect in the other translation even in latin u wrote wrong, never seen such idiot in latin
3)Tua lingua est, in latin, è la tua linfua in italian.......
4) Spanish syntax has nothing to do at all with latin one,
5) non obstante,faceri bene quid tenet, is wrote worng, you had to say in correct latin: sed modo, (where u get obstante idiot?) quid habendum faceant, or the translation of fecri bene quid tenet isn't they had to do it weel, but they keep what they've gott well, learn some grammar idiot.
« Guest » : t'as oublié les grenouilles ! On mange aussi des *grenouilles* !!!
«Sardinian: 8%;
Italian: 12%;
Spanish: 20%;
Romanian: 23.5%;
Occitan: 25%;
Portuguese: 31%;
French: 44%. »
The truth hurts.
@ Pro bono publico,
Obstante, medieval latin, tough isn't classical latin.
What about the other big errors? Latino used tenet as if it were a gerundive construction. Literally obstante does not mean however,these are tries to make spanish alnguage more close to latin grammar, a thing that i don't tollerate.
<<Esta crepusculo alla.... (spanish)>>
El crepúsculo está allá OR
Allá está el crepúsculo
<<Cuando venimos a italia, nos fuimos a casa directamente.(spanish)>>
Cuando vinimos de Italia, nos fuimos a casa directamente
The Italian written is not correct.
Sono Porci Questi Romani. SPQR