the differences between Spanish and Latin American Spanish?
It's funny how Americans react to statements which include a ;-)
The only thing I've been trying to say all along is that people have to look the part they're playing or, as you would put it: "you look the way you look!"
What is not obvious for American audiences is quite obvious in the rest of the world.
=I, myself, amb medium height, have got light skin, greenish eyes and light brown hair. I get easily burnt in the beach and need a high protection. I always get pissed off when "Americans" tell me I don't look Spanish. =
In a cultural third world country like the US that happens everyday.
Hombre George Bus(h) se traduce por Jorge Arbúhto o mejor todavía Jorge Mata.
Sí hombre sí cógeme si puedes y pónmela encima que te hostio y te destrozo . (castellano cervantino)
si lo se, no tengo un pene
gagagagaga, you is from Slavic culture! Your not even good enough to kiss my latin ass!
hello, jeton.
I'm guessing you like to learn the Standard spanish, cool. How may I be of service?
Castilian and Standard spanish are my specialty; take your pick. A-di-os:)
I like the standard language used in Colombian and Venezuelan telenovelita.
And to say most Japanese have black hair and brown eyes isn't a valid stereotype?
""Russian=Need to check""
Oh I'm sure you can't see the difference between an African and a Russian...
Get a German blond fat girlfriend.
Is Berliner a bigot?
A lo mejor Mary es de piel ROSA como los holandeses