The use of "to" and "for"

new_boy   Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:32 am GMT
Currently, I am playing a football game named Football Manager. When I pay close attention to some messages that appear on the screen, I found this example:

"That'll be a goal kick for Chelsea" and "It's a goal kick to Chelsea". The first one uses "for", whereas the second one uses "to". Is this a pattern? I mean, if we start with ---that'll be--- then it must be followed by ---for---. But, if it is started with ---it's--- then it must be followed by ---to---.

If possible, could you give me more example?

american nic   Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:49 am GMT
No, sorry dude, no pattern. 'To' or 'for' could be used in either place. Both phrases mean the same thing.
new_boy   Sun Mar 19, 2006 6:44 am GMT

Thanks, dude!