
Tim   Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:04 am GMT
What do you know about Ladino?
Luis Zalot   Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:20 pm GMT
Ladino, is the "archaic" form of 15thcentury Castilian. Which 'ladino' still has the "F" in words that were modified in "castilian/spanish" into "h" (moreover, some regions still -use- the "f" for certain words.)



Mexican spanish;
hierro & fierro (Hierro; "iron" anatomy. fierro; "metal & steal.")


Old-spanish & Modern Spanish
fazer-hacer (facer, used in some regions)

Ladino also, DISTINGUISHES "b" from "v". Also, some phonology of "vulgar latin" ; in which modern-Castilian perfered to SIMPLIFY it towards "5 open vowels" just Like Classical-latin. And other things.
An interesting fact, both Archaic Spanish and Modern spanish are VERY
alike, not much was CHANGED. Respectively.

For more Information on this go here;
Luis Zalot   Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:26 pm GMT
Mexican Spanish;
Hierro; "iron" anatomy.
fierro; "iron/metal/steal.
ferreo; iron.
S.P.Q.R   Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:30 pm GMT
Ladino may also refer to an italian dialect spoken into friuli venetia giulia.
Luis Zalot   Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:36 pm GMT
Old spanish into Modern castilian: (words)

a fiyuza que = con confianza en que
acahescen = acaescen
adelantado = jefe
aducir = llevar
agora = ahora
al = otro, otra cosa
amuchiguar = multiplicar
assaz = suficiente, suficientemente
auer = tener
auernan = futuro de "avenir"
Ca = porque
castigo = lección, instrucción
catar = mirar
cobdiciar = desear
crouiera = había creído
cuemo/como = como
de cabo a = hacia
departir = explicar (también: departiolo = lo dividió)
desi = ahora, en aquel momento, desde aquel momento
desque = después que
encabo = al final
enchiessen = from "henchir"
ende = de allí, de ello
Enpos = después de
essora = en aquella hora
fincar = quedar(se)
-gela = se la
gestas = poemas épicos
guisa = manera
hora de tercia = 9 AM
hora de sexta = mediodía
hora dela nona = 3 PM
lazerio, lazrar = sufrimiento, sufrir
maguer, maguer que = aunque, a pesar de que
mas = pero
mesquindat = miseria
meter = poner (meter & poner used in "mexican spanish.")
nin = ni
o = donde
omne = hombre
onde = donde, de donde
otrossi = también
oue, ouieron = hube, hubieron [= tuve, tuvieron]
por ende = por esto
pora = para
postremero = último
sennalado = famoso, excepcional
si non = excepto
si quier = aunque
so = bajo
solaz = placer
soterrado = enterrado
suso = abajo
tener = can mean "creer, opinar"
uicio, uicioso = placer, placentero
uisquiessen = viviesen
y = allí
yuso = arriba
Luis Zalot   Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:48 pm GMT
S.P.Q.R ; true.

Venetian Italian has some words in old-castilian & modern castilian form like;

amigo- (instead of "amico" standard italian) amigo (modern castilian)
aver- (instead of "avere" standard italian) haber (modern castilian)
el/la (instead of "il/la" standard italian) el/la (modern castilian)

"Venetian has some sounds not present in Italian, an interdental voiceless fricative [θ] spelled ç or z(h) and similar to English th in thing and thought, to Castilian (not Latin-American) Spanish c(e,i)/z (as in cero, cien, zapato), and to Greek θ (theta); it occurs, for example, in çena/zhena (supper), which sounds the same as Castilian Spanish cena same meaning. Spanish and Venetian are mutually comprehensible to some extent."


I have heard that the "rendering" of -f- in some words in spanish was DUE because of Basque influence, whom they didn't know how to PRONOUNCED "f/ph."

I also read, that the Estrucans (in Italy) didn't know aswell on how to PRONOUNCED "f/ph"

Interesting phenomena?
JR   Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:11 pm GMT
Umm... This page is from Israel
"La pagina Judeo-Española de aqui Jerusalén"

Would that jave anything to do with it?
Guest   Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:56 pm GMT
<<I have heard that the "rendering" of -f- in some words in spanish was DUE because of Basque influence, whom they didn't know how to PRONOUNCED "f/ph."

I also read, that the Estrucans (in Italy) didn't know aswell on how to PRONOUNCED "f/ph"

Interesting phenomena?>>

A similar phenomena occurs in Gascon, one of the langues d'oc languages spoken in and around Basque Country.

Languedoc – Gascon:

fada – hada
far/faire – har
fauç - hauç
femna – hemna
festa – hesta
filh/a – hilh/a
fraire – hrair
fromatge – hromatge
fumar – humar
fuòc/fuèc - huec
Guest   Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:57 pm GMT
<<langues d'oc languages>>

Oops. Sorry for the redundancy.