Liste d'adjectifs à traduire

greg   Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:45 pm GMT
Pouvez-vous traduire ces ***ADJECTIFS*** dans les langues que vous connaissez, svp ?

— langagier [lÃgaZje]

— lingual [lE~gHal] / [lE~gwal]

— linguistique [lE~gHistik]

— métalangagier [metalÃgaZje]

— multilingue [myltilE~g]

— plurilingue [plyRilE~g]

— polyglotte [poliglOt]

Easterner   Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:00 pm GMT
Of course Hungarian has its own coined terms - who would ever have thought otherwise? :) (but, of course, so do Finnish, Serbian, Croatian, etc., etc.)

For most of these words, we use derivatives of the word "nyelv", which means both "language" and "tongue". Thus:

- langagier - "nyelvi"
- lingual - same as above, or "nyelv-" + another word added to form a compound, e.g. "nyelvterápia" standing for "thérapie linguale"
- linguistique - "nyelvészet", but "lingvisztika" is also used in many instances, as part of compounds (e.g. in "szociolingvisztika"), the adjective being "nyelvészeti"
- métalangagier - "metanyelvi"
- multilingue - "soknyelvű", or "sok nyelvet beszélő"
- plurilingue - "többnyelvű"
- poliglotte - we also use "poliglotta", or alternatively, "nyelvzseni", meaning "linguistic genius", which is not really the same, but still close...
Serbo-Canadian in China   Sun May 14, 2006 6:51 pm GMT

— langagier [lÃgaZje] = језички (jezički)

— lingual [lE~gHal] / [lE~gwal] = језичан (jezičan) -- also in anatomy

— linguistique [lE~gHistik] = лингвистички (lingvistički)

— métalangagier [metalÃgaZje] = метајезички (metajezički)

— multilingue [myltilE~g] = многојезичан (mnogojezičan)

— plurilingue [plyRilE~g] = вишејезичан (višejezičan)

— polyglotte [poliglOt] = no adjective; exists only as a noun: полиглот(а) [poliglot(a)] or as a periphrastic construction "speaking several/many languages", i.e. који говори неколико/више језика (koji govori nekoliko/više jezika)

All adjectives are given in Masc, and in Indeterm. form -- except, of course when form with -sk- which is an Absolute Determ.
Arbër   Sun May 14, 2006 7:04 pm GMT
In albanian the words would be:

— langagier [lÃgaZje] -LINGUISTIC- Gjuhësor

— lingual [lE~gHal] / [lE~gwal] - LINGUAL - Gjuhësor

— linguistique [lE~gHistik] - LINGUISTIC - Gjuhësi

— métalangagier [metalÃgaZje] - METALINGUISTIC - Gjysmëgjuhësor

— multilingue [myltilE~g] - MULTILINGUAL - Shumëgjuhësh

— plurilingue [plyRilE~g] - PLURLINGUAL - Disagjuhësh

— polyglotte [poliglOt] - POLYGLOT - Poliglot