
sarosh@mail.vu   Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:13 pm GMT
exclamation (noun)
a short sound, word or phrase spoken suddenly to express an emotion.

1. "huh" exclamation

(i). people use Huh? at the end of questions, suggestions, etc., especially when they want sb to agree with them:
So you won't be coming tonight, huh?
Let's get out of here, huh?

(iI). people say Huh! to show anger, surprise, disagreement, etc. or to show that they are not impressed by sth:
Huh! Is that all you've done?
'Try to understand.' 'Huh! What is there to understand?'

(iii). people say Huh? to show that they have not heard what sb has just said:
'Are you feeling OK?' 'Huh?'

2. "sugar" exclamation
used to show that you are annoyed when you do sth stupid or when sth goes wrong (to avoid saying 'shit'):
Oh sugar! I've forgotten my book!

Sarosh Khan
Guest   Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:18 pm GMT
(i). people use Huh? at the end of questions, suggestions, etc., especially when they want sb to agree with them:
So you won't be coming tonight, huh?
Let's get out of here, huh?

(iI). people say Huh! to show anger, surprise, disagreement, etc. or to show that they are not impressed by sth:
Huh! Is that all you've done?
'Try to understand.' 'Huh! What is there to understand?'

(iii). people say Huh? to show that they have not heard what sb has just said:
'Are you feeling OK?' 'Huh?' <<

Yes, this is correct.

(iii). people say Huh? to show that they have not heard what sb has just said:
'Are you feeling OK?' 'Huh?' <<

This is not a common usuage.

>> 2. "sugar" exclamation
used to show that you are annoyed when you do sth stupid or when sth goes wrong (to avoid saying 'shit'):
Oh sugar! I've forgotten my book! <<

Actually, most people would use something like "oh, shoot!" I've never heard anyone actually say "oh, sugar!"
sarosh@mail.vu   Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:27 pm GMT
The guest, Thanks

1. "shoot" exclamation (AmE)
used to show that you are annoyed when you do sth stupid or when sth goes wrong (to avoid saying 'shit'):
Shoot! I've forgotten my book!
sarosh@mail.vu   Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:02 pm GMT
1. "ow" exclamation
used to express sudden pain:
Ow! That hurt!

2. "uh" exclamation
the sound that people make when they are not sure about sth, when they do not hear or understand sth you have said, or when they want you to agree with what they have said:
Uh, yeah, I guess so.
'Are you ready yet?' 'Uh? Oh. Yes.'
We can discuss this another time, uh?

3. "bah" exclamation
used to show a sound that people make to express disapproval

Sarosh Khan