Need help translating this phrase from Norwegian (??)

Bubba268   Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:53 am GMT
Hi! I need help translating this phrase for a friend. I think it's Norwegian, but I'm unsure...maybe Swedish? I'm pretty sure it's not Danish.

Any help would be appreciated. To be honest, I don't know the content and couldn't even get a good guess, but I'm not led to think it's anything off-color or rude--hope not!

"Anser du att du har tillrackligt hoeg loen?"

(The "oe" in the last two words denotes an umlaut and the "a" in "tillrackligt" has a small circle over it--the "oa" kind of sound, I think.)

Thanks mightily for your help!!
Kuni   Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:18 pm GMT
Hey Bubba!

I think this phrase is swedish and it says:

"Do you believe that your salary is sufficient?"

"Anser (believe) du (you) att (that) du (you) har (have) tillrackligt (sufficient) hög (high/ enough) lön (salary)?"

Excuse my bad english...
Bubba268   Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:44 pm GMT
Thanks, Kuni!! I was debating over whether it was Norwegian or Swedish. The word "tillrackligt" was the one that was killing me!! lol
Now, it makes sense...I can see from German that hoeg is approximately the same as "hoch" and that "loen" is like "Lohn", our German word for salary.

Thanks again!
Fredrik from Norway   Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:50 pm GMT
I think tillräckligt is spelled with an ä.