German question
"Menschen" means humans or persons in the sense of a group of individuals.
menschlich = human
The correct translation of "besser für die Menschen" would be "better for the humans", but that sounds weird in English, so "better for the people" would be the normal translation. But "people" in this context is not nation or Volk, but individuals.
"Better for mankind" would not be correct, as mankind is "Menschheit" in German.
Liebe Leute = Dear guys
Menschen - formal
Leute - informal
can someone please translate?
Ihr bekommt uns nicht
Ihr versteht doch nicht
Was wir wirklich wollen
Werden nie bereuen
Keine Helden sein
Gründen keinen Verein
Sagen gerne nein
Sagen dazu nein
Ihr bekommt uns nicht = You (2nd person plural) do not get us
Ihr versteht doch nicht = But you do not understand
Was wir wirklich wollen = What we really want
Werden nie bereuen = (We) will never regret
Keine Helden sein = Be no heroes
Gründen keinen Verein = Found no club
Sagen gerne nein = Are glad to say no
Sagen dazu nein = Saying no to that
what does mean:
schnuckelig = cuddly/ cute
mittelprächtig (or "einigermaßen") = middling
"The best way is probably:
Herr Müller! / Frau Müller! or
(Mein) lieber Herr Müller / (meine) liebe Frau Müller = (My) dear Mr./Mrs. Müller."
Hi I am from Germany and German is my mother tongue.
Well in this case you would just say: "Guten Tag, Frau Müller".
Well, that may sound a little bit impolite and short but it isn't.
Mein) lieber Herr Müller" may sound a little bit artificial.
any recommendaed German Language learing sites, especially those intended for serious, adult learners?
Whenever I hear "oder?" at the end of a sentence I always translate it in my head as "right?"
Maybe, the correct translation of "besser für die Menschen" would be obvious from a broader context.