Rybicki - If you want to know how to pronounce your last name in polish, give me your e-mail, please. I could record you the sound of your surname (I'm polish native speaker) and sent you it
polish surnames
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Hi! I'm from Argentina, currently living in Spain, but my grandparents were both Ukrainian though they were from Galitzia in Poland... Anyway, I've always been curious about the pronounciation of my last name: Wasyleczko (if it is spelled ok, because many immigrants lost a few letters on their arrival to Argentina...). Could anyone help me please? I been told that it sounds like: Vaseletsko... or Vaseletski....
in polish it would be : Vasilechko
"y" it's a sound present in slavic, in romanian, i've heard that in welsh too
"ch" you speak it hard, as in english, not in spanish
accent falls on "ech"
it can have some connection with the name Vasyl which is greek "Basyleus"
"y" it's a sound present in slavic, in romanian, i've heard that in welsh too
"ch" you speak it hard, as in english, not in spanish
accent falls on "ech"
it can have some connection with the name Vasyl which is greek "Basyleus"
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