That's not a translation page, that's a similar forum ;)
Do you speak Swedish?
Well, bröd is the Swedish word for bread. I can also say that the texmex boy is not from the US, I tought he was from the states at the first time I met him on the internet.
Hi Sander,
You are everywhere! :)
What I meant was that I probably should have started with the translation forum first. But this seems to be working well, too. :)
Well, I guess bröd won't really work then!! :)
Are the others A-OK?
You are everywhere! :)
What I meant was that I probably should have started with the translation forum first. But this seems to be working well, too. :)
Well, I guess bröd won't really work then!! :)
Are the others A-OK?
Well Marguerite, It´s always hard to learn a language without have an foreign accent but we have tried and you also know much better how you shall pronunce the words now then before and about your Vår Frau both "Texas boy" and I can´t find what Vår Frau can be. Maybe if I had had your book I should know what the real name is but I haven´t :(
Anyway, are you interest to check up other countries traditions?
Anyway, are you interest to check up other countries traditions?
I have a question to Sander, why have tow sites? I mean yes I know we have had some idiots here but my feeling is that both of the sites updates to less because of the reason that we have tow sites.
Hi again Swede,
I really appreciate your help--thank you again! :)
Yes, I have been doing research on several countries' traditions. It's been very interesting--and more interesting when I can learn what the custom/tradition is called in the original language.
I really appreciate your help--thank you again! :)
Yes, I have been doing research on several countries' traditions. It's been very interesting--and more interesting when I can learn what the custom/tradition is called in the original language.
Well, it was a pleasure. I think,and hope, I should have done a better and more important job if I had safe someones life.
Very true. You may be called upon to do that sometime--you never know.
Very true. You may be called upon to do that sometime--you never know.
Marguerite, it should be lussebröd, which is a sort of bread we have at the time of Lucia. The 'e' in 'Lussebröd' is pronounced as the 'e' in 'red', and the 'ö' as the 'i' in 'girl'.
"(FRUH rhymes with English "through"?)" - yes almost anyway.
I don't know what Vår Frau is, if there is anything called 'Our Wife' in Sweden it would should be 'Vår Fru'. And as the man said, I'm not from the US, I'm from Sweden. (I wonder if anyone has seen that crappy TV-show 'Walker, Texas Ranger' starring Chuck Norris)
"(FRUH rhymes with English "through"?)" - yes almost anyway.
I don't know what Vår Frau is, if there is anything called 'Our Wife' in Sweden it would should be 'Vår Fru'. And as the man said, I'm not from the US, I'm from Sweden. (I wonder if anyone has seen that crappy TV-show 'Walker, Texas Ranger' starring Chuck Norris)
I vart fall så är det inte särskilt svårt att förstå vårat språk för er.
So 25th of March is the Swedish / International waffle day? Never heard about that here in Norway, we eat waffles all the time.
25th of March is also the dato of the obscure festival of Vårfrumesse = Our Lady Mass, perhaps better known as Maria bebudelse / Maria budskapsdag = Annunciation = the day when the Arch-angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to become the mother of God.
25th of March is also the dato of the obscure festival of Vårfrumesse = Our Lady Mass, perhaps better known as Maria bebudelse / Maria budskapsdag = Annunciation = the day when the Arch-angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to become the mother of God.
Maybe you are right Fredrik, for me it feels like it´s the waffle day one day every month but I suppose that it is just one day every year. About Vårfru, I can say that I think I have heard it but I can´t connect it, it´s very irretating.
We don´t celebrate the waffle day so much in Sweden but sometimes it happens that we eat waffles at the "right" day.
We don´t celebrate the waffle day so much in Sweden but sometimes it happens that we eat waffles at the "right" day.
Internett säger att fördi Våfrumessa var den fyrsta vårdagen (och folk troade ofta att "vår" stod för årstiden och inte för "VÅR fru"), så firade? / fejrade? man ofta denna dagen med våfflar!
:) You tried to write in Swedish, it was funny to see. I think you are correct that people missinterpret the word from the beginning. Or as we say in Swedish: "Jag köper ditt resonemang".