scorched with smoke?

Lazarakis   Wed May 31, 2006 4:28 am GMT
"I can glimpse the villa's red roofs above the ranks of poplars, across the intervening valleys. But I can't tell if the house is peopled with my friends and my family, or with rogues who have murdered the servants in their beds. I can't tell if the walls below the roofline are scorched with smoke, or if the doors are marked with an ashy cross to suggest that plague has come to gnaw the living into their mortal rest, their last gritty blanket shoveled over their heads."

What does it mean by "the walls are scorched with smoke"? Smoke from cooking fire? Somke from pollution? Somke from war? What does it imply?
Baron Bulldogg   Wed May 31, 2006 4:32 am GMT
Smoke from burning down the house!

Burning down the house, oh yeah, wasn't that a hit years ago?
Uriel   Wed May 31, 2006 9:20 am GMT
In the context you cite, Lazarakis, the scorching would come from a violent act like torching the house, not from a mundane activity like cooking.
Lord ffloyd of ffling   Wed May 31, 2006 1:48 pm GMT
Perhaps you would enlighten us about which book you are reading and finding so many difficult sentences in? After helping you out the odd place we have become rather curious...
Lazarakis   Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:50 am GMT