How Should I Pronounce "Ego" and "Eagle"

Justin   Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:21 am GMT
I'm from China and I'm working on my English pronunciation now. I find "dark L" sounds (/5/ in SAMPA) especially difficult for me to articulate. I often substitute a /oU/ or /@U/ for /5/ since its easier for me to pronounce, thus sometimes cannot distinguish between "ego" and "eagle".

All you native English speakers out there, could you please tell me how you think "dark L" sounds are pronounced, either in a neutral accent (RP or GenAm) or in your own accent (whatever variety it may be)? Thank you!
Guest   Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:39 am GMT
Still more that I sometimes feel a bit hard to distinguish
(I'll use /l/ for /5/):

[aU], [aU@l], [{l] (vow, vowel, pal)
[oU], [Ul], [Vl], [oUl], [Ol] (go, bull, gull, goal, gall)

PS: Currently I am learning to speak with a General American accent, but tips on other varieties of English pronunciation are also welcome!
Uriel   Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:39 am GMT
You'll just need to enunciate -- ee-gull.

You can technically use any kind of L you want, and you'll be understood -- light or dark -- as long as it's an L. "Ee-go" won't work.

The major difference in the two words for me is where my tongue ends up. On ego it touches nothing, but at the end of eagle, the tip is touching the back of my front teeth in order to make the L-sound. Try that.