What new about spanglish?
In what way is the use of Spanglish a sign of ignorance or lack of education? My old supervisor used it constantly -- and she was finishing up her bachelor's degree in nursing and taking her exams last time I saw her, and is now an oncology nurse. Not exactly an easy subject.
My boyfriend's parents and entire family use it as well, and they are perfectly fluent in both English and Spanish, and can switch to either language with ease.
Spanglish is not a "pidgen" language to be used when you don't know enough English or Spanish to string a whole sentence together in either language -- it is a style of speaking that one must have fluency in both languages to pull off. There is a complex social aspect to its use as well.
Erm, what about 'chose' ?! LOL morron.
Excuse me for beign Latin Sander remember? We cannot speak English
=>Excuse me for beign Latin Sander remember? We cannot speak English <=
That's not an excuse ,because you ain't Latin you're just really stupid.
=>Excuse me for beign Latin Sander remember? We cannot speak English <=
That's not an excuse ,because you ain't Latin you're just really stupid. >=
Oh yeah if you are that smart, then why the heck you can't speak decent French or Spanish without translators??
Because I have no interest in Spanish and my French is limited.
But this really is a nonsens question.Just like this one:" Why can't you speak Dutch or German or even decent English?
Spanglish is the predominance of English over Spanish... About the movie... I saw it and I think it had many errors in it.
But this really is a nonsens question.Just like this one:" Why can't you speak Dutch or German or even decent English>=
Because I don't need any of the previous tongues, I never use them in ordinary life, but even with that I can understand and speak English and German but my ortography and accent sucks in both tongues due to the lack of daily practice.
And for learning Dutch is a total useless tongue. There's no need for learn it.
So is Spanish to me.
And , all your post here in German were made by translators.
And , all your post here in German were made by translators.>=
Oh yeah? How can u be so sure?
Composition of the sentences and word order.
=>Zzzzzzzzzz <=
Why don't you stick that 'Zzzzzzzzzz ' up your arse.
What is "arse" ????
I don't know
=>What is "arse" ????
I don't know <=
Add it to your list.