Hello, I'm new to this forum.

Mannix   Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:19 am GMT
<<Even when Antimoon's forum moderators and administrators were active in the forum, they always kept quiet on the issue of the origin of the name. I think they liked to maintain some degree of mystery around it, leaving people to endlessly guess and create myths to describe it.>>

I assume most of the myths to describe it had to do with being against the Moon, right? That's what it seems like to me.
Geoff_One   Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:03 am GMT
One could be against the Moon only being called a moon.
One school of thought in astronomical circles is that its status
should be upgraded to Planet. This school of thought thinks
that the Earth Moon system should be considered as a
double planet and as a consequence the Moon is not a Moon.
Thus by being anti Moon your are actually pro Moon.
Mannix   Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:10 pm GMT
<<That's interesting. We used to have a *very* similar poster on Antimoon named Don...>>

Was Don a Welshman?
Mannix   Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:14 pm GMT
<<The moon has so many links to so many things...even insanity. When you study the reasons for this it becomes quite clear really....the moon has always had a strange influence on some people. Hence "lunatic"..."moonstruck". But we don't know anything about lunacy in here......or do we? :-) Hey..maybe I'm on to something as to just why it's called Antimoon.......>>

Damian, do you think the creator of this forum was an actual lunatic, because of the name ''Antimoon''? I doubt it.
Rick   Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:16 pm GMT
<<Was Don a Welshman?>>

No. Don was a troll.
Mannix   Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:21 pm GMT
<<Mannix, you say your accent is a mixture due to all your moving around -- did you adopt any of these changes to your original accent consciously, or did they just happen without you noticing?>>

Some of them I did consciously adopt and some came without me noticing. I only lived in Ireland for one year, so I don't know how much influence that actually had on my original accent.
Mannix   Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:33 pm GMT
I was very young when I did the moving around, so that probably explains a lot about how the changes happened in my accent. I graduated in Scotland.