Johnny Reb or Yankee Doodle?

Impurethinker   Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:25 pm GMT
I'm actually from southern Oklahoma and would consider Texans to be well Texans really. Often even they admit that they are full of themselves ;) .
In southern Oklahoma the accent would be considered a light version of rural Texan. A lot of howdy and y'all. Some things are more common in the older folk though. My father would say "crick" for creek and a brick a 'brick-bat' (which as it turns out is an old word for a piece of brick).

We here in the rural Southern part of Oklahoma have a small bit of disdane for the people in the 'city' that is Oklahoma City (and Tulsa for that matter) as being too soft and yankee like. After all it is their votes that outlawed cockfighting in our state a few years ago, even though all the cockfighting goes on in the southern part of the state. In those counties the ban failed the vote (people I actually know made their living from cock fights) but all the soft fools up north (where all the people lived, most of whom only seen chicken in the supermarket) voted for the ban. Sorry that last bit turned into a rant, but goes to show the contrast between city folk and more 'salt of the earth' types.
Ol' Tex   Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:44 pm GMT
So it sounds like there are three sorts of people: Yankees (Northeasterners, Northerners, Westerners, and Canadians), Texans, and Southerners.
Guest   Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:32 pm GMT
Guest   Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:54 pm GMT
>> So it sounds like there are three sorts of people: Yankees (Northeasterners, Northerners, Westerners, and Canadians), Texans, and Southerners. <<

Do Southerners like Canadians better than non-Southern Americans?
Uriel   Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:44 pm GMT
I doubt they even think about Canadians much. Just like the rest of us.

Sorry, impurethinker, but I consider blood sports like cockfighting and dogfighting to be animal cruelty. Salt of the earth or no.