A question

Jijia   Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:53 am GMT
Here I have a quesition:

FORYOU company.

I have a company and I give it a name as FORYOU company.
And my friend has a company. He gives it a name as PENGIUM company.

How do you think of those company names?
Uriel   Sat Nov 25, 2006 7:07 am GMT
They don't mean much. If FORYOU is supposed to be "fo you", then I don't like it -- shameless and meaningless pandering is all that would be implied. Pengium is not a real word, so I can't comment much on that.
Jijia   Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:46 am GMT
Dear Uriel:
However, thanks for your comment on my company.
What you said above is of which you look in the dark side of the world. Or just trying to understand what behind the glittering facade is! Yeah, I am sure you have got. Those things are not waiting for you, especially for you, looking for you and so on. Accuse me if I were wrong.
' Pengium ' should be Penguim. Oh, look, perfect mistake.
Many thanks.

(Overseas manager)
Guest   Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:37 am GMT
These names are arrant infantile. Why not think of better and meaningful names. What line of work you and your pal are involved in, then we can suggest you some attractive and meaningful names. Don't be offended by our tone but we just want to help you as sincerely as possible.
Jijia   Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:25 am GMT
Thanks for Guest' s reply.
We major in fireworks, we are from China and we don' t want to lose our clients and order.
A strong company always goes with a creative name.
Yeah, here I need some suggestions from you.

Best regards and thanks from Jijia·Zhang
User   Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:30 pm GMT
>> We major in fireworks, we are from China and we don' t want to lose our clients and order. <<

Why not call it Firewerks Corporation? It sounds more professional.
User   Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:34 pm GMT
>> Why not call it Firewerks Corporation? It sounds more professional. <<

Also be sure you check the trademark registry for whatever name you decide on.

FORYOU would be a good name for a Valentine's Day card or candy company
Jijia   Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:23 am GMT

' FORYOU FIREWORKS ' is shown on our trademark.
congle   Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:46 am GMT
My name Congle. I'm a student. i 'm learning english but now my english is badly. so i want to ask every body. the best way for learning english. Can every body explain help me. Thanks you very much.
Uriel   Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:48 am GMT
<<' Pengium ' should be Penguim.>>

That still isn't a word. If you are talking about the bird, it's "penguin".

FORYOU sounds like something a Japanese company would come up with, so maybe for Asians, that type of vagueness works. But it wouldn't do well in a western country, I don't think, because it's so devoid of any real content. Obviously ALL retail companies offer goods FOR their customers. So that's neither catchy nor clever as a name.