How do NUMBERs of Korean/Japanese/Chinese and English/etc. c

Young-Won Kim   Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:47 am GMT
How do NUMBERs of Korean/Japanese/Chinese and English/etc. come to be spoken so?

5. Close relation of numeral pronunciation among Korean, Japanese and Chinese:
KOREAN speaking mouth posture of NUMBERs; ,,,, cp on the vocal cords, ,,,, bp/tcrp on the lowest throat/neck,,,,, [+bend] type,,,,, voiceLESS consonant/vowel.
JAPANESE speaking mouth posture of numbers; ,,,, cp on the vocal cords,,,,, bp/tcrp/high/front in the mouth,,,,, [+bend] type,,,,, often more weight on cp <thick>, voiceLESS consonant/vowel.
CHINESE speaking mouth posture of numbers; ,,,, both cp/bp/low/front in the mouth,,,,, [+bend] type,,,,, often more weight on cp <thick>,,,,, voiceD consonant/vowel,,,,, voiceless liaison.

I find NUMERAL pronunciations of many languages directly come from the phonemes, similar to (many) alphabet pronunciations/names. .....
0 [+ŋ]; ,,,, 영[+(ŋ)iΛ́ŋ, +(ŋ)yΛ́ŋ]; ,,,, れい/ゼロ/零 [+re, ,,,, re:, ,,,, ree e] than [rei]; ,,,, 零 [(+)ling(2)].
1 [+l]; ,,,, 일[+(ŋ)il]; ,,,, いち [+ij ji] than [ichi]; [j/dZ/dzh]; ,,,, 一 [(+)yi(1)].
2 [+y]; ,,,, 이[+(ŋ)i:]; ,,,, に[+ni]; ,,,,   二 [+αr], rather than [er(4)].
3 [+s]; ,,,, 삼[+qαm/Sαm/shαm]; ,,,, さん[+qαn/Sαn/shαn] than [san]; ,,,, 三 [(+)sαn(1)].  
4 [+q/S/sh]; ,,,, 사[+sα:]; ,,,, よん/し[+si] than [shi]/[yon/shi], ,,,, or with bp on the lowest throat/neck, [+ŋ]/[+(ŋ)iΛ́ŋ, +(ŋ)yΛ́ŋ] than [yon]; ,,,, 四 [+s=], rather than [si(4)].
5 [+w]; ,,,, 오[+(ŋ)o:]; ,,,, ご[+go:]; ,,,, 五 [+wuu u, or wu: u], rather than [wu(3)].
6 [+r]; ,,,, 육[+(ŋ)iug/yug]; ,,,, ろく[+rogu] than [roku]; ,,,, 六 [+li(iu) or li: u], rather than [liu(4)].
7 [+x/Z/zh]; ,,,, 칠[+cill]/[c/tS/tsh]; ,,,, なな/しち[+siji]/[j/dZ/dzh] than [shichi]/[nana/shichi], or giving more weight on bp [+nαnα] than [nana]; ,,,, 七 [+ciy y=], rather than [qi(1)].
8 [+p]; ,,,, 팔[+pαl]; ,,,, はち[+hαji]/[j/dZ/dzh] than [hachi]; ,,,, 八 [+bα:], rather than [ba(1)].
9 [+h]; ,,,, 구[+gu:]; ,,,, きゅう/く[+g=:] than [ku], if more weight on bp [+gy] than [kyuu]; ,,,, 九 [+ji: o u], rather than [jiu(3)].
10 [+z]; ,,,, 십[+sib]; ,,,, じゅう [+j=:] than [ju(u)]; ,,,, 十 [+qiy y=], rather than [shi(2)].
100 [+b]; ]; ,,,, 백[+bæg]; ,,,, 百[+hk] than [hyaku]; ,,,, 百 [+bay y=], rather than [bai(3)].
1000 [+j/dZ/dzh]; ,,,, 천[+cΛn]/[c/tS/tsh]; ,,,, 千[+qen]/[q/S/sh] than [sen]; ,,,, 千 [+ci(:)y/ci(iy) yen], rather than [qian(1)].
10,000 [+m]; ,,,, 만[+mαn]; ,,,, (一)万 [+mαŋ] than [(ichi)man]; ,,,, 万 [+wα:n]/[wα: αn], rather than [wan(4)].
100,000,000 [+n]; ,,,, 억[+(ŋ)Λg]; ,,,, (一)億 [+ogu] than [(ichi)oku]; ,,,, 亿 [+yiy y=], rather than [yi(1)].
1,000,000,000,000 [+c/dS/dSh]; ,,,, 조[+xo]/[x/Z/zh]; (一)兆 ; ,,,, 正 [+xΛ:n], rather than [zheng(4)].
10,000,000,000,000,000 [+k]; ,,,, 경[+giΛŋ]/[+gyΛŋ]; ,,,, 京;
-/negative [+g]; ,,,, 부[+bu:]; ,,,, 负 [+fu:]/[fu(4)].
1 [+a]; ,,,, 하나[hα nα]; ,,,, ひとつ hitotsu,,,, <hid o ju=;,,,, hid/PRM ^o^ ju=/SCN; ,,,, hid/PRM/SS-hi doj/MS-o ju=/SCN/UCh-ju>
2 [+e]; ,,,, 둘[dul]; ,,,, 二つ futatsu,,,, <hud ^α^ ju=;,,,, hud dαj ju=>
3 [+i]; ,,,, 셋[qe(t)s]/[qet]; ,,,, 三つmittsu,,,, <mij u=;,,,, mij/PRM ^u=/SCN; ,,,, mij/PRM/SS-mi ju=/SCN/UCh-u>
4 [+α]; ,,,, 넷[ne(t)s]/[net]; ,,,, 四つyottsu,,,, <yoj ^u; ,,,, yoj ju>
5 [+o]; ,,,, 다섯[dα qΛ(t)s]; ,,,, 五つ itsutsu,,,, <ij ^o^ ju=;,,,, ij joj ju=>
6 [+u]; ,,,, 여섯[iΛ/yΛ qΛ(t)s]; ,,,, 六つmuttsu,,,, <m=j ^u=;,,,, m=j ju=>
7 [+ű/ui/wi]; ,,,, 일곱[ill gobb]; ,,,, 七つ nanatsu,,,, <nαn ^α^ ju=;,,,, nαn α ju=>
8 [+ő/oi/we]; ,,,, 여덟[iΛ/yΛ dΛrb]; ,,,, 八つ yattsu,,,, <yαj ^u=;,,,, yaj ju=>
9 [+Λ]; ,,,, 아홉[αhh hobb]; ,,,, 九つ kokonotsu,,,, <gog o noj u=;,,,, gog/PRM ^o^/SCN noj/PRM ^u=/SCN; ,,,, gog gon noj ju=>
10 [+æ]; ,,,, 열[iΛll/yΛll]; ,,,, 十 too,,,, <du=> ... More weight on bp (tcrp) than cp; then, ,,,, 1 pitotu/hitotsu..... 2 putatu/futatsu..... 3 mitu/mittsu..... 4 yotu/yottsu..... 5 itutu/itsutsu..... 6 mutu/muttsu..... 7 nanatu/nanatsu..... 8 yatu/yattsu..... 9 kokonotu/kokonotsu..... 10 towo/tô.

(Forum) Group: Comparative phonetics

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