George W Bush's accent

Curious_   Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:19 pm GMT

I wonder whether regional features, such as a distinctive accent, can be identified in George W. Bush's speech? Does his accent remind people of where he comes from or should his accent be put under the label of Standard American? p.s. I'm only interested in the linguistic features in his speech and hope the discussion will not spark off any debate over his political stance.

Thank you!
Guest   Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:48 pm GMT
dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya dubya

He cannot pronounce "nuclear" right. He say "nucular" for that.
Another Guest   Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:06 pm GMT
He has cowboy features in his accent.
Ryan   Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:07 am GMT
Dubya's accent is not standard American. It is supposedly a Texan accent, but Texans who don't like Bush say he just puts on a fake cowboy accent.
Uriel   Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:09 am GMT
It's not standard American; it has southern features to it. But Ryan is correct -- Bush is not a native Texan, so it's definitely an acquired accent.
Ryan   Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:19 am GMT
Well, Bush did spend a significant portion of his childhood in Texas despite being born in Connecticut. Normally this would be enough time to pick up an accent. But the criticism I have heard is that Bush probably did not hang around the types of people to pick up the strong Texas twang that he seems to have. His family has always been rich.
John M.   Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:38 am GMT
A fake accent would mean the impersonator would usually speak "in another accent" in private. If Bush twangs the same way whether he's speaking on Iraq, singing country tunes in the shower or mumbling groans to his wife in bed ;-) it would definitely be "his accent".

An accent is not only made up of geographical changes but also of human exchanges and it always sums up. Some people have an accent of their own, which they never change.

Has he been caught with another more socially upward voice, the way Mr. Blair seems to change voices (from Modified RP to Estuary to Modified Scot)? By the sound of the guy (Mr. Bush, I mean, and the way he talks walks and forks) I very much doubt it but, then again, who am I to know?

Further information would be highly appreciated. If private recordings of Mr. Bush are available please upload them in Antimoon.
ernesto from Wyo & Mi   Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:58 pm GMT
George Bush's accent is called Gibberish
Stan   Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:27 pm GMT
Mr Bush's accent represents modern American accent: - arrogant in his pronunciation of EVERY WORD. I have got nothing against the man, many people fail to understand that most Americans are any case.
Guest   Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:37 pm GMT
>> Mr Bush's accent represents modern American accent: - arrogant in his pronunciation of EVERY WORD. <<

Oh come on. He's not arrogant at all.
Uriel   Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:59 pm GMT
As opposed to Stan, who drips sweetness and light with every one of his bigoted pronouncements, of course.
Uriel   Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:38 pm GMT
<<Has he been caught with another more socially upward voice, the way Mr. Blair seems to change voices (from Modified RP to Estuary to Modified Scot)? By the sound of the guy (Mr. Bush, I mean, and the way he talks walks and forks) I very much doubt it but, then again, who am I to know?

We don't really have "socially upward" voices. Southern accents may be stigmatized by certain speakers of other accents, but southerners and Texans and Oklahomans themselves have no sense of shame about how they talk, so they have no incentive to change it (as might be the case in other countries). They aren't going to switch to another accent for social reasons.
Guest   Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:55 am GMT
I wonder if Madonna ever speaks without her fake accent.
kappy   Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:07 am GMT
A native to Texas can tell if its fake or not. and it's not. one would just have to live here in Texas for about one year to get one. its so heavy that it comes naturally, and those who fake it sound like the north end of a south bound donkey. and it AIN"T gibberish. we like to think of it as our own language. and it is very different from a southern accent or a arkansas accent. (Heaven save us from the red necks)
kappy   Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:08 am GMT
oh and just in case y'all are curious and contrarey to popular belief, we do not ride horses or cows to school or work