Fredy and Queen

nicola tuffin   Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:50 am GMT
i love him so much with all my heart i hate my boyfriend the only reason why im goin out with him is because he is retarted like fredy mercury love nicola tuffin
Robin   Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:14 pm GMT
What an amazing Post from Nicola?

People get married to people they grow to hate. But to go out with someone that you hate, strikes me as being a little bit odd.

What is the motivation for going out with someone you hate?

Would you ever trust anyone, who went out with someone they hated?

I didn't know that Freddy Mercury was retarted. I always thought he was a musical genius.

Possibly he went to a school for retarted people. They would be tarted up, and then come out, as normal people.

Am I falling into the trap, of malicious posts.

With Love

From Robin