Do you use different vowels in "dog" and "dogma"? I from NY say /dOg/ for "dog", but /dAgm@/ and /dAgm{tIk/ for "dogma" and "dogmatic". Likewise, "doggone" is /dAgAn/ for me.
"dog" and "dogma"
I merge the COT and CAUGHT word classes, so all of those words use the same vowel for me.
"dog" ["dQ:g]
"dogma" ["dQ:gm@]
"dogmatic" [dQ:g"m{4Ik]
"doggone" ["dQ:g%gQ:n]
"dog" ["dQ:g]
"dogma" ["dQ:gm@]
"dogmatic" [dQ:g"m{4Ik]
"doggone" ["dQ:g%gQ:n]
I'm also cot-caught merged, but they are both [A] for me.
dog [dAg]
dogma [dAgm@] etc.
The difference you have is due to the lot-cloth split, which affected commonly-spoken words more than others. 'Dog' probably came up more in conversation than 'dogma' at the time of the split (or any time for that matter).
dog [dAg]
dogma [dAgm@] etc.
The difference you have is due to the lot-cloth split, which affected commonly-spoken words more than others. 'Dog' probably came up more in conversation than 'dogma' at the time of the split (or any time for that matter).
In my dialect I have:
"dog" : ["dQ:g]
"dogma" : ["dQ:gm@:]
"dogmatic" : [dQ:g"mE{4Ik] or [dQ:g"mE{Ik]
"doggone" : ["dQ:g:Q~:n]
My dialect does have the lot-cloth split, and yet all of these words share the same vowel in the first syllable. At the same time, the lot-cloth split does vary in the exact words it affects from dialect to dialect with it.
"dog" : ["dQ:g]
"dogma" : ["dQ:gm@:]
"dogmatic" : [dQ:g"mE{4Ik] or [dQ:g"mE{Ik]
"doggone" : ["dQ:g:Q~:n]
My dialect does have the lot-cloth split, and yet all of these words share the same vowel in the first syllable. At the same time, the lot-cloth split does vary in the exact words it affects from dialect to dialect with it.