known /nou-@n/

Chiquita   Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:34 am GMT
known /nou-@n/
I've heard this pronunciation on CBC.Canada news at 6, regional broadcast from Prince Edward Island, Canada.

known being pronounced as /'nou-@n/, that is, as a two syllable word.

This pronunciation is common/frequent?

many thanks
Lazar   Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:54 am GMT
I can't recall ever hearing that pronunciation. I pronounce "known" as ["n7Un].
Patrick   Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:34 am GMT
I'm actually from Prince Edward Island, and I do not say "known" like that. I highly doubt it's a local pronunciation because I haven't heard any other people from around here say it. Maybe he just screwed up the word that one time?
Mila   Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:53 am GMT
''Longman pronunciation dictionary'' lists this pronunciation, but indicates that it is old/regional.