Easiest language for an English + Turkish speaker?

Guest   Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:34 pm GMT
Also, research has shown that it's actually easier to elarn Italian than English - http://italian.about.com/library/weekly/aa010500a.htm

I have been studying Italian as foreign language and I don't find it so "easy".
Why people open their mouth and breathe on it? I'd like to know how many of these "easiness" supporters studied Italian seriously. NONE.
I can only guess how much reliable and intelligent this research is.
I don't even go and see it because I can't imagine the nonsense
If Italian is soooooo easy I wonder because NOBODY speak it decently or why everybody doesn't study it as foreign language and why if it is so easy you (Adam) found difficulties in learning it.
It's so "strange" how there are so many people claiming this thread (without even studying it a single day) and there are so few people who speak it. If it is so easy I'd like this forum was in Italian. Any volunteer?
rem   Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:32 pm GMT
Also, research has shown that it's actually easier to elarn Italian than English - http://italian.about.com/library/weekly/aa010500a.htm

Apart this research is something embarassing uselss, it doesn't say it is easier to learn Italian than English at all. Where havu you read it? it seems to say the contrary actually