The decline of French

Guest   Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:29 am GMT
<<Spain has more places and monuments considered wold's heritage than France.>>

You think that matters? Get real, if number of monuments earned your language a spot amongst the world languages used in the UNESCO, then Italian would be on the list.

Also, France is third or fourth on the list and only has a few less monuments than Spain or Italy.

<<Spain contribute more than France to world's culture.>>

That's simply not true. Look at all of the Nobel Prizes won by the French.
Parisien   Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:40 am GMT
Si la densité en oeuvres d'art déterminait l'influence d'une langue, le monde entier parlerait italien ou néerlandais.

Et sans vouloir offenser les infatigables spammeurs spingues, l'art ibérique au 20e siècle a été 100%... catalan.
