Please, could anybody tell me what is the meaning of the phrase: 'tatoema kuroshi datoshitemo'? I hope it is coherent Japanese.
Thnaks in advance.
Pete from Peru
Thnaks in advance.
Pete from Peru
help with Japanese expression...
Please, could anybody tell me what is the meaning of the phrase: 'tatoema kuroshi datoshitemo'? I hope it is coherent Japanese.
Thnaks in advance. Pete from Peru
"Tatoema" is probably "tatoeba". "kuroshi" is close to "koroshi" (killing), "kurushii" (painful), "kuruoshii" (crazy). I'm guessing it's one of the latter two. So, the intended meaning of this phrase is probably, "Even if it's crazy (or painful)". I can't tell you whether it's "painful" or "crazy". I'm guessing "painful", though.
I think 'tatoema' means 'for example'.
The rest of words are unclear to find the meaning. I need Japanese text to figure out what that means. Could you re-write the phrase in Hiragana or Kanji please?
"Tatoe, kurushikutemo" means "even if [it is] painful".
"Kurushii datoshitemo" doesn't work because "datoshitemo" works only with nouns. "Kurushii" is an adverb so you take off the "i" at the end and add "-kutemo". I hope I'm making some sense.
Maybe so, but the phrase was probably written by a non-native speaker, so the grammar isn't necessarily correct.