punctuation rules in English and German
Do punctuation marks in German are used in same rules as in Englisn?
I mean the Full stops/Periods, commas, semicolons, question marks and brackets ...
>>Do punctuation marks in German are used in same rules as in Englisn? <<
Most of the time. But there are some differences, particularly when it comes to quotations.
In German, quotations can either be placed between guillemets (like in French):
«Wir gehen am Dienstag.»
Or between quotation marks that look like this:
„Wir gehen am Dienstag.”
When introducing a quote, a colon is used instead of a comma:
Er sagte: „Wir gehen am Dienstag.”
Er sagte: «Wir gehen am Dienstag.»
English: He said, “We’ll go on Tuesday.”
When ending a quotation with “he said” or “she asked” in German, the comma is placed outside of the quotation mark, while in American English, the comma goes inside the quotation mark:
„Wir gehen am Dienstag”, sagte Paul.
“We’ll go on Tuesday,” said Paul.
A German specificity is that subordinate clauses are introduced by a comma: "Er wußte, daß sie wußte, daß er es wußte".
("He knew that she knew that he knew it")
When giving a lecture in German, each time you come across a comma you have to make sure right away if it's intended as a pause for breathing, or just a grammatical comma.
Also, in most American schools nowadays you're taught to use a comma before "and" in lists. ex. I play guitar, bass, and drums. In German they maintain the older comma-less and.