A question for French speakers, how is 'démocratie' pronounced?
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Thanks for the answers.
Pronunciation of 'démocratie'
A question for French speakers, how is 'démocratie' pronounced?
Thanks for the answers.
Guest was me.
In fact it's about the same pronounciation as the English "democracy", except there are no vowel reductions since it's French. What bothered you ? "tie" ? Lots of French words have their "T"s prononced /s/. It especially concerns "tion" endings. HOWEVER we say démocrate, with /t/. Same as English democracy /s/, democrat /t/.
Thanks for the answer, it was the 'tie' ending. I knew about the 'tion' endings but this was knew for me.
Other words whose identical ending is pronounced the same way:
Ineptie, acrobatie, idiotie, Croatie ...
Pour compléter ce qu'indiquait Jérémy :
<démocratie(s)> → /demokRasi/ = /demokʁasi/ <démocratique(s)> → /demokRatik(@)/ = /demokʁatik(ə)/ <démocrate(s)> → /demokRat(@)/ = /demokʁat(ə)/ <démocrature(s)> → /demokRatyR(@)/ = /demokʁatyʁ(ə)/. Suivent le modèle /kRasi/ = /kʁasi/ tous les substantifs féminins suffixés avec <-cratie> : bureaucratie, gérontocratie, ploutocratie, technocratie, voyoucratie etc.
Now, to avoid doubts, are there any words which end in 'tie' in which the t is pronounced as /t/?
Thanks for the answers, they've been very helpful?
Rodrigo (COL) : tous les participes passés des verbes des 2e & 3e groupe dont la forme au masculin singulier se termine par <-ti>.
Exemples : <bâtir> (2e gr) /batiR/ /batiʁ/ → <bâti> (m sg) /bati/ → <bâtie> (f sg) /bati/ <engloutir> (2e gr) /ÃglutiR/ /ɑ̃glutiʁ/ → <englouti> (m sg) /Ãgluti/ /ɑ̃gluti/ → <engloutie> (f sg) /Ãgluti/ /ɑ̃gluti/ <mentir> (3e gr) /mÃtiR/ /mɑ̃tiʁ/ → <menti> (m sg) /mÃti/ /mɑ̃ti/ → <mentie> (f sg) /mÃti/ /mɑ̃ti/ <sortir> (3e gr) /sORtiR/ /sɔʁtiʁ/ → <sorti> (m sg) /sORti/ /sɔʁti/ → <sortie> (f sg) /sORti/ /sɔʁti/.
Pour la raison expliquée par Greg, dans <partie> le 't' est prononcé 't'
(le mot est originellement un participe passé substantivé, comme <sortie>). Mais attention: dans les adjectifs terminés en '-tiel' ou '-tial' et leurs dérivés, le 't' se prononce 'ss' (même règle que pour '-tion'). Exemples: <partiel>, <partial>, <martial>, <événementiel>, <différentiel>, <présidentiel>, <présidentialisme> etc. |