Pronunciation of 'démocratie'

Rodrigo (COL)   Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:23 pm GMT
A question for French speakers, how is 'démocratie' pronounced?
Thanks for the answers.
Guest   Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:15 pm GMT
It's pronouced like this:

"Dé mo kra si"
Jérémy   Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:18 pm GMT
Guest was me.

In fact it's about the same pronounciation as the English "democracy", except there are no vowel reductions since it's French.

What bothered you ? "tie" ? Lots of French words have their "T"s prononced /s/. It especially concerns "tion" endings.

HOWEVER we say démocrate, with /t/. Same as English democracy /s/, democrat /t/.
Rodrigo (COL)   Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:56 pm GMT
Thanks for the answer, it was the 'tie' ending. I knew about the 'tion' endings but this was knew for me.
Jérémy   Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:01 pm GMT
Other words whose identical ending is pronounced the same way:

Ineptie, acrobatie, idiotie, Croatie ...
greg   Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:06 pm GMT
Pour compléter ce qu'indiquait Jérémy :

<démocratie(s)> → /demokRasi/ = /demokʁasi/

<démocratique(s)> → /demokRatik(@)/ = /demokʁatik(ə)/

<démocrate(s)> → /demokRat(@)/ = /demokʁat(ə)/

<démocrature(s)> → /demokRatyR(@)/ = /demokʁatyʁ(ə)/.

Suivent le modèle /kRasi/ = /kʁasi/ tous les substantifs féminins suffixés avec <-cratie> : bureaucratie, gérontocratie, ploutocratie, technocratie, voyoucratie etc.
Jérémy   Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:40 pm GMT
Tu m'apprends des mots, Greg :-D
Rodrigo (COL)   Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:16 am GMT
Now, to avoid doubts, are there any words which end in 'tie' in which the t is pronounced as /t/?
Thanks for the answers, they've been very helpful?
greg   Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:05 am GMT
Rodrigo (COL) : tous les participes passés des verbes des 2e & 3e groupe dont la forme au masculin singulier se termine par <-ti>.

Exemples :

<bâtir> (2e gr) /batiR/ /batiʁ/ → <bâti> (m sg) /bati/ → <bâtie> (f sg) /bati/

<engloutir> (2e gr) /ÃglutiR/ /ɑ̃glutiʁ/ → <englouti> (m sg) /Ãgluti/ /ɑ̃gluti/ → <engloutie> (f sg) /Ãgluti/ /ɑ̃gluti/

<mentir> (3e gr) /mÃtiR/ /mɑ̃tiʁ/ → <menti> (m sg) /mÃti/ /mɑ̃ti/ → <mentie> (f sg) /mÃti/ /mɑ̃ti/

<sortir> (3e gr) /sORtiR/ /sɔʁtiʁ/ → <sorti> (m sg) /sORti/ /sɔʁti/ → <sortie> (f sg) /sORti/ /sɔʁti/.
OïL   Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:55 am GMT
Pour la raison expliquée par Greg, dans <partie> le 't' est prononcé 't'
(le mot est originellement un participe passé substantivé, comme <sortie>).

Mais attention: dans les adjectifs terminés en '-tiel' ou '-tial' et leurs dérivés, le 't' se prononce 'ss' (même règle que pour '-tion').
<partiel>, <partial>, <martial>, <événementiel>, <différentiel>, <présidentiel>, <présidentialisme> etc.