By the way, Guest is right, Russian is the language of God, because the Russian written tradition descends from Platonic world view.
the future of russian language in the rep. of moldova
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No es cuestion de prostitucion, ni sexo, ni lenguajes divinos, ni religion, ni siquiera supersticiones, es cuestion de autodeterminacion de la nacion soberana de Moldovia, Moldavia o Moldova. Es cuestion de querer y amar la libertad de pueblo y nacion grandes, y darse a respetar ante el mundo, y promover la solidaridad con las naciones que van encaminados en los mismos objetivos. Pentru Moldova.
<< i think russian language will be less used in the future. english is becoming more and more popular in moldova >>
It's Romanian first that will be spoken in Moldavia then French and Russian. Russian will not just die overnight in Moldova just because of English.
It's Romanian first that will be spoken in Moldavia then French and Russian. Russian will not just die overnight in Moldova just because of English.
How come Moldova is a different country if they share the same culture and language with Romania? Could Moldova be a province of Rumania instead? I find this more logical. If not, Russia will reconquer them.
Moldova (Bessarabia) was conquered by Soviet Union in WW II. Stalin pressed Romania to cede this part of the country. The reason was that Bessarabia belonged to Czaristic Russia. Imperialistic great powers have good memory. In order to cut ties with Romania, during Soviet era they spoke about 'Moldovan language', and cyrillic alphabet was introduced. (In fact, Romanian used cyrillic alphabet until the latter part of 19th century, as Romania is an Orthodox country). There are no linguistic grounds to speak about 'Moldovan' as a separate language, as noticed already before here.
I guess Russian language will be used and learned in Moldova for a long time as it is done so today. Moldovans earn 20% of their annual GDP working in Russia as gastarbaiters. Also Transdnestian region is mostly settled by Russians and Ukranians. All these ethnical groups use Russian in intercommunication.
Yes, Ethnic Romanains in Moldova will continue to speak Russian. But as secondary language only and Romanian is still their maternal language. I don't see any break-up between the Romanian spoken in Romania and that of Moldova.
La Moldovie seràt obligatoirement toutjoure imposé far la Russes, C'àt défine. Kue nus regardeons d'ici àt. An la Moldovie les gennes parlante et parlarent tû Russe tû Rômane...
Sincerely, from what I have read online, in forums and on youtube, I can only pronounce myself and say that all of this lies within the hands of the Moldovan people and their will. The political situation over there is critical, and trust me, I am speaking as a Moldovan, with dual citizenship. I was born in Romania, and obtained my Moldovan citizenship from overseas. To remind most people, there is no difference between Romanian and Moldovan, we are one people. Moldova, the "PROVINCE" has existed for over 700 years and only within the 19th and 20th centuries did it suffer a diversity of atrocities. We must remember that the Russians deported over 900 000 Romanians from Basarabia (former ground name given by the Russians to Moldova).. this was all in order to assimilate us. Today, youth organizations are still standing proud and remembering our true roots. I don't think the ROmanian language will die in Moldova neither the Russian language. I think they will just fade away slowly and be remembered as good memories due to the fact that 800 000 Moldovans have already left their country. Moldova will reunite with Romania at some point, and that my friends, to be frank, is the best that can happen to Moldova. People that say pridefully that Romanians have backstabbed Moldova should think twice before talking. Sometimes, silence is like gold, and in the case of those people, they're ironically rich! ;) UNIRE UNIRE UNIRE!
А моя мать мне рассказала о том, что в Молдавии говорят на язык, очень похожий на испанский. По её словам он называется "румынским языком". Она сказала, что в Молдавии русскоязычных жителей скоро не будет из-за дыры в пространстве-времени.
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