<<Compare vowels realizations of Serbian and Croatian, pretty different...<<
vowel realization may be different but WORDS and grammar are the same.
vowel realization may be different but WORDS and grammar are the same.
<<Compare vowels realizations of Serbian and Croatian, pretty different...<<
vowel realization may be different but WORDS and grammar are the same.
nao"care, nao"cari This is what the Bosnian dictionary gives for eyeglasses. I heard it as nao chao re or nao cha we. I guess it means the "ch" sound č
<<How is the word eyeglasses pronounced?<< Do you mean naočale/naočare? I'm not a linguist and I cannot use x-sampa but I'd say: nao-cha-leh. <<What does the symbol '' mean?<< I have no idea what are you talking about. K. T. nao"care, nao"cari This is what the Bosnian dictionary gives for eyeglasses. I heard "wee" or "ree" for the last syllable when I heard this recently. Thanks.
Bosnians would be able to understand both Serbian variant: naočare, naočari and Croatian: naočale.
There are no other versions for eyeglasses. I really don't know what " means, this is something for Josh (or anybody?) As for the letters: Č=ch, R=r(always), L=l(allways) So, this "wee" that you've heard must be Lee or Ree
What does your Bosnian dictionary say for scissors = škare? Is it "skare? I'm curious. What does it say for ship = lađa?
Hmm. It was probably "ree" then.
Scissors="skare and also makaze. How do you pronounce it in SC? Ship=ladja
Well, škare (shkah-reh) is Croatian and makaze (mah-kah-zeh) is Serbian.
First syllable is stressed.
There is certainly a lot I don't know about SCB. Thanks for the help. I really like how this language sounds.
<<Thanks for the help<<
Anytime. I am a speaker of Croatian, but I fully understand Serbian (and other). How does it sound to you, I have no clue. I'm glad you like it, though. I like it too.
How does it sound? Well, SCB sounds rich to me, soft, but not overly feminine. It reminds me of eating some tasty food for the first time, comfortable, but containing some unknown spices.
Funny thing, I allways thought it sounds harsh for an English speaker, I don't know why, really.
I guess this is because Rade Šerbedžija allways plays criminals.:)
English sounds harsher than Croatian...
Shwa is used very seldom, unlike in English, in which 90% of unstressed vowels are reduced to shwa...In Croatian, all vowels are clear, like in Spanish...As for Croatian accent in Hollywood, try Goran Visnjic (ER) or Mira Furlan (Babylon 5, Lost).
here is the Mira Furlan (Danielle Rousseau on Lost), her accent's not too bad:
There's Goran Višnjić speaking Croatian:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQzWF7J76cA |