Problems with Learning Romance Languages

Rolando   Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:58 am GMT
I grew up speaking spanish by my mom's family due to a Mexican grandfather & Spanish/German Grandmother all my life and why I'm I having such a hard time trying to learn to speak French...? If i see somethign writin in French I will understand some what of it, & Portugese dispite it being sooo darn close to spanish, I can't seem to learn to speak it, but the writing I will understand... and Italian, I can understand, speak, & pronounce it pretty well...? Why is that...?

*I'm also fluent in Eglish I dad learned in hight school perfect english writing and speaking it.

Thanks 4 Reading...!
K. T.   Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:30 am GMT
Rolando, if your native language is Spanish, just write in Spanish (or slow down when typing in English, okay?)...

Here are some things to consider and some sites to type and try.

First of all, if you haven't studied French very long, don't stress yourself out about your level of proficiency. It takes time even when you are learning a language in the same family. You probably need more listening and practice time in French. The listening part is easy if you have speakers and a computer. If you have an Mp3 player, well it's easy to download files.

This site is good for beginners and intermediate learners. I even pick things up and I've been speaking French for a long time.

Another site is this fun podcast. Type in the address and check it out!

That's enough for now,

Have fun!
han   Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:13 am GMT
Yes, portuguese and spanish are very similar, but think that literally translated, portuguese is actually closer to french, with all the "que" and verb conjugations. (this actually depends, spanish accent differs along the country)

In pronunciation and even in some words, spanish and italian are more alike, that is probably why it is easier for you to speak italian.
Guest   Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:27 pm GMT
spanish and italian are more alike

I don't think so!

that is probably why it is easier for you to speak italian.

... I'd like to see HOW MUCH he is good in doing this....
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:36 am GMT
<<I don't think so! >>

And why is that?
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:56 am GMT
<<I don't think so! >>

And why is that?

SIMPLE. Listen to an Italian and then a Spaniard: do they seem to speak a similar language to you??
They may share many similar words, but once you hear them they seems different with total different inflection, sound and cadenza.
It's like saying English is similar to German.
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:54 pm GMT
<<SIMPLE. Listen to an Italian and then a Spaniard: do they seem to speak a similar language to you??
They may share many similar words, but once you hear them they seems different with total different inflection, sound and cadenza.
It's like saying English is similar to German.>>

I agree with Han.
When I was studying abroad there were an Italian and a Spaniard on my corridor. They talked all the time, each one on their own language, without any problem whatsoever. The sounds were very similar too, at least for me.

There was also a Portuguese, and they couldn't do the same thing with her, she had to speak either in Spanish or in English.
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:45 pm GMT
They talked all the time, each one on their own language, without any problem whatsoever.

If they have not studied the respective languages they can't understand them perfectly: it's myth. Can English understand Germans?

The sounds were very similar too, at least for me.

To you, exactly
Furthermore following this reasonment Portoguese is very similar to Spanish SO an Italian can speak with a Portoguese too, doesn't he?
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:04 pm GMT
I agree with Guest.

I heard an Italian speaking couple talking with a Portuguese speaking guy and they used their own native languages. Surprisingly, the couple and the guy were able to make themselves understood to each other. The couple spoke quite fast but the guy has to speak slowly and modified his pronounciation of his words something like he spoke Portuguese with Italian/Spanish pronunciation just to facilitate communication. I think that's the same technique other Portuguese speakers uses to communicate with Spanish speakers.
han   Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:46 pm GMT
As I said, Spanish and Italian pronunciations differ a lot along the countries, so it is not that clear.

I heard Portuguese are usually able to communicate anywhere, Spain, Italy or France... Maybe because they have been almost everywhere, really...

<<There was also a Portuguese, and they couldn't do the same thing with her, she had to speak either in Spanish or in English.>>
Hmm, not all Portuguese are able to make themselves understood then.. but guess she understood the others...

If they have not studied the respective languages they can't understand them perfectly: it's myth. Can English understand Germans? >>

He didnt say perfectly... And who are you to say? Have you ever traveled?
English people usually dont even have to try to understand other languages, but that is besides the point. That is a bad example from the start, those languages are very different grammatically and so on.
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:17 pm GMT
Evidently I travelled more than you, but the point is: before talking have you ever studied langauges?

those languages are very different grammatically and so on.

yes, they are different like Italian and Spanish are
Adolfo   Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:20 pm GMT
Spanish and Italian are different, but comparing that differences to the ones between English and German is an exaggeration. Has Italian or Spanish nominal declensions when the other not , or something like that? You can find those really BIG differences between English and German and many more. All romance languages are closer to each other than English to German, despite English is a Germanic language genetically.
han   Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:25 pm GMT
<<Evidently I travelled more than you>>

Ah, yes... it is probably not that evident nor clear though...

<<yes, they are different like Italian and Spanish are>>

If you really think the difference is the same, you are not only stubborn and abrasive, but also ignorant.
Get some sleep before you post.
han   Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:30 pm GMT
<<Spanish and Italian are different, but comparing that differences to the ones between English and German is an exaggeration. Has Italian or Spanish nominal declensions when the other not , or something like that? You can find those really BIG differences between English and German and many more. All romance languages are closer to each other than English to German, despite English is a Germanic language genetically.>>

Yes, I totally agree with you.
Guest   Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:40 pm GMT
If you really think the difference is the same, you are not only stubborn and abrasive, but also ignorant.
Get some sleep before you post.

The only idiots are the ones who say thy are similar.
Ignorance is the sole thing this forum is abundant and you are a perfect proof