Google Translation
Hi fellow antimooners!
I noticed that in the Google translation, there are French to German translation and vice-versa aside from English to French and English to German and vice-versa. Other languges have no direct translation to let's
say French and German and back.
This only proves that French and German are the very important in communication the western world.
I'm just wondering why there's no Spanish to French/German translation and back when hispanics in this forum wouldn't stop insisting that Spanish is the 2nd most important language in the world.
I noticed too that when I tried translating Spanish text into English, the result is kinda weird. The syntax is out of order. When I did the same thing with French, it's nearly 100% accurate. I also tried the same thing on other online translator and it's pretty much the same. Spanish to English translation is terrible.
I'm a native Spanish speaker and I love Spanish literature but for my comments I think my fellow Spanish speakers will kil me over a slow fire.
The most common argument when saying Spanish is the 2nd most important language is Latino immigration in the US, BUT the Spanish spoken by immigrants is usually not very complex. Even the children who go to school and university are surprised to find out that complex topics can be discussed in Spanish. Also, from what I've seen, most intellectuals from Spanish speaking countries also speak a foreign language. Less than 1 % of all scientific papers come from Latin-America and that's what Google translators are for. I must defend that there is a very rich and diverse literature in Spanish, texts for which a translator like Google is completely uneffective.
¡Es mi humilde opinión, ruego que no me busquen para asesinarme!
<<I'm just wondering why there's no Spanish to French/German translation and back when hispanics in this forum wouldn't stop insisting that Spanish is the 2nd most important language in the world. >>
Esta claro que a ti no te engañan. De todas formas no hay porque no lo han puesto.
<<I noticed too that when I tried translating Spanish text into English, the result is kinda weird. The syntax is out of order. When I did the same thing with French, it's nearly 100% accurate. I also tried the same thing on other online translator and it's pretty much the same. Spanish to English translation is terrible. >>
No te fies de los translators. Por ejemplo:
Del latin "ave Cesar morituri te salutan" tradujeron al español como:
Las aves de Cesar murieron por falta de salud.
Del inglés al español
y Jhon's house como Juan's casa.
Del español al ingles:
guai del Paraguay = good of the paraguay
tienes más cuento que calleja = You have more tale than little street.
marcando paquete = Marking parcel
dar gato por liebre = To give cat for hare
and the last one:
de perdidos al río = From lost to the river
Como ves el traductor sirve para muy poco.
Ok you don't like spanish language . At least Jules Verne said this about spanish language:
“What a language!” he said. “How full and sonorous it is! It is like the metal church bells are made of—composed of seventy-eight parts of copper and twenty-two of tin.”
I've used the Internet since 1999 and never ned to use the Google translator from or to French.
I honestly admit that I use Goolge translation to translate Spanish text to English because I don't speak Spanish at all.