Reparation of English

furrykef   Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:50 pm GMT
You should see Japanese. It has no agreement of any kind that I can think of except that negative nouns like "nothing" must take negative verbs. There are no articles, nouns do not inflect for number or gender, and verbs, although they can inflect in myriad ways, do not inflect for person or number. You would think this makes things vague enough, but Japanese takes things even further: words are omitted whenever possible, which is often, and it's often the case in Japanese that the best way to say something is indirectly, especially if it's at all unpleasant. I've heard that Japanese uses fixed phrases a lot... if so, I wouldn't be surprised if it's to make up for the apparent lack of redundancy in their language.

- Kef