"On pourrait aussi parler du danger que, pour la langue du Portugal, représente la fascination d'une grande partie des portugais actuels pour l'Espagne, au point d'être partisans de l'intégration du Portugal dans l'Espagne"
es-tu sur?
Nunca he oìdo semejante tonteria
Vertaderament, Guest?
Fes una ullada a la premsa portuguesa dels dos anys darrers.
Dá uma olhadela é imprensa portuguesa dos últimos dois anos. Concretamente ao que declara o senhor Saramago.
Diciamo que italiano e portoghese mi piacciono lo stesso. Ma, come si misura questo?
Diciamo que italiano e portoghese mi piacciono lo stesso. Ma, come si misura questo? Mallorquí.
Hmmm, that's interesting. I've thought basically the same thing in English about the same languages.
Another poster showed interest in learning about the languages you enjoy/know. If you'd like to do this, please look at the "Curious" thread.
K. T.
Is the creation of a dialect the product of creolization, i. e. of the use of a language by many people who have another mother tongue than the dialect's source language?
<< I don't know about Guadeloupe, but the majority of Haitians are monolingual Kréyol speakers. I don't expect that their education system is very good, but still, what instruction they have is done in Kréyol. >>
Both French and Creole are the medium of instruction in education in Haiti. 20% of the people are either bilingual or have French as their French language like the mulattos who make up 5% of the entire Haitian population.
In Guadelopue, Martinique, Reunion, and Mauritius they use French as the only medium of instruction. There's is a process known as decreolization that is taking part in these islands especially in Mauritius.
<There's is a process known as decreolization that is taking part in these islands especially in Mauritius.>
Well, that sucks!
Dá uma olhadela é imprensa portuguesa dos últimos dois anos. Concretamente ao que declara o senhor Saramago.
Saramago was said to be "gágá", that is, senile.
Comments I heard:
O gájo é parvo. Tá senil. Tá na hora de se reformar. É a idade coitado. Já deu tudo o que tinha a dar. Um comuna metido a besta.
But he is a great writer with a great imagination. Too much imagination.
A country called Iberia,as in his book "Stone raft" where the Iberian peninsula is separated from Europe, and Portugal and Spain as one island begin a journey into the ocean.
What is written in the Portuguese press... I can tell you that there is a lot about the royalty in some kind of magazines as if trying to sell something. Really boring stuff. Which may sound strange, unless you know that the press that sells that kind of message was bought by a Spaniard. So, it is not really Portuguese press.
Don't get bothered with that kind of comments, we know Spaniards love Portugal and always wanted it for themselves. It is love :)
la fascination d'une grande partie des portugais actuels pour l'Espagne
It used to be for candies, caramelos, torrões de alicante. Now is for the lower Iva.
Somos todos europeus, nao se esqueçam disto.....Todos os paises europeus, pelo menos os da comunidade europeia, deveriam formar uma grande naçao europeia. O nacionalismo pertencia ao seculo XX e levou a duas guerras mundiais, muitas pessoas inoncentes perderam a vida pela patria.
Que ideia estranha. E a ideia de uma Europa unida não levou a que muitos inocentes perdessem a vida? Julio César ou Napoleão, mesmo Hitler queriam uma única Europa e por causa deles morreram milhões. Na 1º guerra morreu mais gente para a gripe espanhola do que na guerra.Hoje aceita-se uma Europa unida porque a difererença de culturas está a ser defendida. Protegem a linguas minoritárias e a diferente cultura dos países O nacionalismo sempre foi a luta pelo direito de ser diferente, de ter uma cultura diferente, uma língua diferente. O nacionalismo nunca pertenceu ao século XX mas à humanidade.
Saramago is a good writer but when he talks about politics he say many stupidities. Unfortunately we the Spaniards have to stand them. People in Spain are not interested on that union at all and Spanish companies already invest in Portugal because all Europe is a common market already. Hence there ist no need for that union.